✨tamabaku✨Finding out

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Requested by @EIJIROKIRISHIMA989 can y'all tag Them for me? It won't let me
Little age:1-3


Baku pov:
Today all of class 1-a and The big three were on a road trip we had just arrived at a camp sight,this time we made sure villains can't find us.We were all split up boys on one side girls on other and we had partners in our room I was stuck with amajiki from the bug three I didn't much as he was my boyfriend but promblem was I haven't told him I was a little we been dating for about a year now and he still doesn't know I'm scared he'll think I'm weird and that'll he will break up with me I didn't want that.

I wish for tamaki to be my daddy but he doesn't know I don't even think he is a caregiver sometimes when I slip I can be holding my stuffie and crying wishing tamaki was my daddy.

I was in room and had slipped at moment playing with my two stuffies I brought with me while tamaki was out and I was babbling to myself,Fter about 30 minutes I was still babbaling and playing I didn't realize tamaki coming in "H-Hey Kitty I was w-won-"takami stopped himself as he saw me in a nappy Wich was wet a t-shirt and a paci playing with two teddy bears,I looked up and started crying I wet myself again from fright and babbles

Tamaki pov:
I walked in dorm going to ask my kitty if he want to come have soba with me I walk in and see him I had always though he was little but didn't know and seeing him this confirms it,I see he was wet and new it was bad for him to stay in a wet diaper for so long I walked over to him seeing him scared. I picked him "shh it's okay little one" I say rocking him and kisses his head "it's all okay daddy lovea u no matter what" I can tell he was worried and scared I would leave him now but I would never leave my baby doesn't matter what I'll always stay with him.

Once I got him to calm down "baby we're your changing supplies?" I ask soflty he points over to his bedside table I nod and go to draws grabbing a changing mat and lays it on bed laying him down on bed he shifts a bit.i go and grab wipes,itch powder and a clean diaper.

I look at him and I remove his diaper and see he already has a slight rash I look at him"aww u poor thing..how long had u been in wet diaper?" I ask soflty as I wipe him cleane he blushes soflty "a hwr maey I don kno" (an hour mabey I don't know)he says "aww baby,why didn't u change your self" I say soflty putting some some cream in rash and some powder "I swuggle by ma swelf"(I struggle by myself) he says soflty looking away I put new diaper on him and outs dirty one in bin and washes my hands then rubs his cheek "oh u poor thing how long have u struggled all by yourself?" I say soflty "For ageee" (for ages) he says I kisses his head "Well u don't need to anymore baby..Of u would like,would u like me to be yoyr daddy?" I ask he looks up at me wide eye "Weally? (Really?) I nod he smiles "wes!!" (Yes!!) I smile and pick him up "My little kitty" he smile and babbles and yawns softly "u tired kitty?" He nods I remove the change mat putting it away and lays him on the bed and I tuck him in I sit next to him and Grabs a stroy book "Wanna me to read u a book?" He nods I smile and begins to read after 10 minutes into story he fell asleep I smile and kisses his head.

After a few hours he woke up in big space now I look at him and smiles as he looks at me nervous "Hey tamaki.." he says nervously remember ing I found out. I walk over and kisses his head "There's nothing to worry about Kitty,I won't leave u I promsie h taht I love u to much to leave u" I say he smiles "And I asked ltitle u this but I want big u to confirm my question,would u like me to be your caregiver?" I ask he smile and hugs me "I'd love for u too..I love u tamaki" he says I smile "I love u to Kats,Now would u like to go get some soba" "spicy?" "Yes spicy soba" I chuckle he nods he gets up and changes into boxers and some shorts and t-shirt.once he changed and walked out room and bulding we stayed at and wnet to canteen I made us both some soba and made his in a separate pot so he could have spicy.

Once I finshed we sat at table and begin to eat "So may I ask soem questions about your little space" he nods "Okay so what age to u slip between?" He look at me "1-3 mostly 2-3 but sometimes if I am really stressed I do slip to 1" I nod "okay cool,do u have a comfort item?" He nods "I have a little cat plushie at my dorms at UA I left it there and I also have a cat paci Which I left aswell" he says soflty "I didn't really bring Much for my little space on this trip"he says I nod and kiss his head "okay and don't worry I'll use my quirk for wings and i'll fly back to UA Tonight? To grab the stuff for u quickly" I say he smiles "okay!" I Boops his nose "can u tell me what your like in little space?" He nods "I really like cats and teddy bears alot in little space  mostly cats and I can be really soflty and quite but I do get bratyy especially when I don't get my way" I nods listening "Well have to sort some rules and punishimenst for u" I say he pouts but Contiunes "I need diapers especially at nighttime as I have night accident I also do love to cross dress" I nod and smiles "aww I'll bet u look adorable in skirts" I say he blushes and smiles and contiues to tell me ince he fisnhed I look at him do u have any triggers?" He nods "I hate being shouted at and I do like being alone" he says soflty and I nod "okay I promsie I won't shout at u no matter what plus I never shout and when it come to punishment I will put u in time out as punishment but I will not leave u alone I'll stay by u" he nods "okay thank u for understanding" I smiel and ask him more stuff as we finsh eating.

At time I snuck out and flew to UA grabbing his comfort paci and plushie and some of his outfits and then flew back by Morning and cuddle him.

Hope u liked it and hope u all have a good day/afternoon/evening/night

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