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BroccoliWeeb_  date made 25/9/21
Previously in deku pov;

I went to kitchen and made him some angel milk,no one was in kitchen or common room as everyone was either traning or doing homework so I didn't have to worry of anyone seeing me I also grabbed a small bowl.once I was down I went back to dorm and set the sippy on The bedside and let it cool while he slept.

Deku pov:
after an hour he woke up and looks at me I look at him "Hey little one how'd u sleep?" I ask "Otay" he says soflty I grab the bowl and out some Baby food in bowl "Here baby" I begin to feed him and he eats after eating I give him his bottles once down he hugs me "I sowwy daddy! I sowwy for hwt chu and Ewwie" (I'm sorry daddy! I'm sorry I hurt u chu and Ellie) he says tearing up I hug him back and play with his hair "it's okay baby can u tell me why you were in such a bad mood" he nods "I woke up watw ten I fwled taest then..then..bwkusaid I don cwage my a-at-atwudue I am o-out the sqwad!" (I woke up late then I failed test then..then..bakusquad said If I don't change my attitude I am out the squad) He Burt's in to tears finishing it I rub his back "it's okay baby it's okay,You tried your best in that test and u woke up late once it's not like u u were just tired and don't worry let's go talk to bakusqaud,okay?" He nods soflty and I get up carrying him and walks to mina room were they all were and knocks,only me and bakusquad knew bakugou was little sp he didn't mind them seeing him like this mina answers doro "Hey deku,hey Bakubae" she says "hey,can we come in?" I ask she nods and let's us in I sit down with bakugou in my lap he hides his face in my Chets not looking at them "Can u gust explain why u told Kacchan he won't be in the squad anymore if he didn't change his attitude" I ask they nod

Kami pov:
"Yea we can"I start "Well it stared at break bakugou normal teasing and saying mean words but at lunch he said something that really upset me anf Kiri saying I was just to Dumb to ever be a hero and my quirk was just useless he said Kiri was to weak and useless to be hero and we got fed up of him after he said that and we just said that out of anger..but we realize it was out faukt he said it first place we were pissing him off all morning so we should have known he would snap" I explain deku nods and looks at bakugou

Deku pov:
"Babyboy why would u say that to kiri and Kami?" I say soflty "t-they wer being asswoles" he says deku sighs and taps his thigh soflty "No swearing and baby I get they were annoying u but u do not say that now I want u to apologize to both of them now u hurt them alot baby u upset them" I say strictly turning him to them he nods and whines soflty looking at them "i-i sowwy! I didn mean wt! Please qet me stay in sqwad!" He says tearing up Kami and kiri go up to him and hugs him him hugging back "We forgive u buddy and we're sorry too" Kami says "ayea we forgive u and Ofcourse u can stay in squad,it wouldn't be a sqaud without u were so sorry we told u couldn't be" Kiri says "Yea and u don't need to change your attitude we love u the way u are" mina and Sero says he smiles and rubs his eyes "Weakly?" He ask they nod and he smiles brightly they smile to "now how about little teddy bear joins auntie mina and Unckle ei,Kami and Sero in movie night?"mina ask "daddy too?" He ask and mina nods "Otay!" Bakugou says and for rest night we all cuddled with him watching Disney movies.

At end of week I bought him the toy I told him he wouldn't get anymore but I still got It and After a few more days of him being grounded,I gave him all Hsi toys back and his new toy he was happy getting all his toys abck and new one he played all day that day. The bakusqaud made it up to h taking him out to beach and buying him new pacis or toys that week and aizawa let him re take the test which he passes this time as I helped him study.

Hope u enojoyed both parts

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