✨Iidabaku✨Hide and seek

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ResQuested by @ sierraJohonson962 (tag them please) I will not be able to do both of your Todobaku and Iidabaku so I will only do one

I am also doing all the request,That were requested back in December first! So if u had Requested this month please wait a bit so I can get the old requests done as everyone who requested in December has Wiated ages for me to post theres

Little age 2-3

Date made-31/1/22..is it really already 31st? It seem like just last week it was Halloween


Iida pov:
It's been a really stressful week with exams so at moment Kats was little and playing with toys while I did homework quickly

Pomeranian pov:
I was getting bored waiting for dada,He was taking forever..so I deceid to play hide and seek with him! I got up and sneaks out my dorm and walks to common room and climbs into a box we had there and hid in it and giggles to myself *mind:hehe daddy won't find me here! *I smiles and Wait

Glasses pov: (I don't know why I am doing random nicknames for the characters today but I am)
I was doing homework and turn around not seeing Katsuki,I get up and loosk for him "Kats! C'mon out" I walk out dorm after not finding him anywhere and look around dorms "has anyone seen Katsuki?" He ask, Everyone shook there head but then denki who saw Kats hide shook his head aswell "nah,Sorry mabey check the kitchen?." He says,I nod and looks around

After an hours I finally find him and picks him up "there u are!" He burst out giggling

Babybaku pov;
I burst out giggling "Dada swow!" (Dada slow) I say he smiles "Yeah I'm slows' he says,Now how about we Finally play with all your stuffies?" He says I nod "Yess!!" "Inside voices baby and okay c'mon on" he walks,carrying me to our room and we played with stuffies for rest night

So sorry it's short but here it is!

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