✨Shinbaku✨Beach day

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Requested by (I'll tage them in comments cause Wattpad won't let me tag them unless in comments)
Little age:3-5

Date made:25/9/21

Baku pov:
I was really really excited today daddy taking me to beach! He was in kitchen right now making food I was playing with toys while sitting in my swim clothes,a swim diaper and purple swim shorts.I had been good all week no problems so daddy did promsie me a beach today and I'm glad he kept Hsi promsie if he didn't I wasn't gonna be happy with him..I would have exploded all His coffee and chucked it in bin but..he kept his promsie so no coffee gets harmed today.

Once daddy packed a bag with sandwiches,some milkshakes and water and some icecream he out it in a freezer bag with loadss ad loads of ice to keep icecream and milkshake fresh! He walked dover to me "Okay baby pit toys away and we'll head out" I nod and starst putting all toys away once done daddy held my hand I grabbed my stuffie Toshi! I named it after daddy it was a cute cat plush reminds me of daddy!

Shin poc:
I grabbed food bag and bakugou little bag and walked out the house to the beach.once we got to beach I put sunscreen all over bakugou to keep him protected "Can I go in wat now?" He ask I nod putting his arm bands on that were cat themed "not to deep though only up to your waist" I say pointing to his waist he nods and runs to water I set towel down and sits on towel reading a book while watching him play around.

After a bit he called me to join him and bring wall so I go up taking my shirt off and grabbed the beach ball and walks in water I get there and we started to paly catch with hall going back and forth it was cute as every time he catches it he'd giggle saying he was best bacll catcher ever and I would agree casue it's true  he is after a bit I smirk going under water and goes behind him "Dwdday were do u go?" He ask I jump spalshing him "Boo!" He sherikes falling back I chuckle he pouts "Chu scared me"he says "aww I sorry baby" I say kisses his head he giggles and slplashes me.

After awhile of playing we go back to our stuff I wrap in a towel and myself then I hand him a sandwich and he begins to eat he wanted to feed himself so I let him.After food and soem is cream we Continued to play in water again having fun for hours on head once it got late he was getting tired so I carried him home and got him dry and changed into warm clothes tugging him into bed and sings him a lullaby's kissing his head "night kitten,love u" I say soflty "ni ni.."he says soflty in his sleps I go and get cahnged then gets in bed next to him and cuddles him as he sleep

Hope u enojoyed

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