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Look who is alive! I am much better now so I'll be able to update!

Here ya go! Ash16-9

After this one I will get to all people who have been requesting this and last month and hope u enjoy this

Date made-19/2/22
Little age-1-3
Kitty Kats pov:
I jump on bed jumping on Sero "Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!!" I scream,He wake up looking at me and runs his eyes groaning sofkty "Kats.. it's 4am..go back to beddd" he says "nwwwww! bich yo pwomised bich day" (Nooo beach you promsied beach day) I say whining soflty "I know..but kitty it's to early.. It's still dark out" he sits up slightly and pulls me down onto his chest "C'mon gets back to sleep" he says I whineee "nwwwww!" (Noo),he sighs sofkty and kisses my head "C'mon if u go back to sleep now..I'll buy u a new stuffie" he says,I smile Brightly at that and nods "okwy! Okwy! I sweep!" I lay down and closes my eyes,He holds me closing lying back down probably "night kitten" "nwght daddy!" (Night daddy) we both close our eyes falling asleep

Tape  pov:
A few hours later at about 8am,I was awake now packing are picnic and bags,I soon hears Kats come down stairs with blanket around him and stuffie "Daddyyy" he whines out "I'm here sweetie in kitchen" I say he walk in and walks over to me hugging my leg,I smile and ruffles his hair soflty"Good morning kitten u ready for beach today?" He looks up and nods,smiling "yeaa!! Bich day!" (Beach day) I nod and finsh packing picnic and bags "Alright let's get u changed" I say picking him up and walks upstairs with him.

I get him changed into some Black swim shorts with kittens all on them.

The nickname kitten and kitty for him came from his love of cats,it was when I first became his cg and my first time looking after him when he was little and I always knew he liked cats but when he was small he love cats a whole lot more,It was cute really.

Once he was changed,I got changed myself aswell then I picked him up and head back downstairs "daddy we nee tw bing sky!" (Daddy we need to bring sky) he says,I smile "sky is already in your bag sweetie" I say going to bags and grabs sky handing sky to him,He smile holding her close.

Sky was his favorite cat plush,He carried her everywhere.I grabbed bags and walked out house heading to beach.

We soon reached beach and I set Kats down in sand "okay Let's do sunscreen then you can go play in water" he whines but nods,I set bags down and grabs sunscreen and puts it all on him making sure you cover him probably and puts his arm bands on him "alright all done" I say

Kat pov:
I smile "yayy!!" I run off to sea and starts to play,While dada sat in a towle on sand reading a book,Dada boring really sea more fun

After a few hours at beach of fun and soon having dragged daddy into sea with me aswell.We were now at mall in dry fresh clothes,I was wearing a black skirt and a black shirt with kittens on.i lovef skirts I was a fem boy

I walk into toy shop "okay kitten,You can get one Stuffie but be quick alright? It is getting late so we need to get back to dorms" he says I nod "Otay daddy!" (Okay Daddy) I say and run to stuffies,He follow behind.I look at stuffie soon picking this cute cat stuffie "Dada! Wook it so CUTEEEE!" I shout pointing at it "quite down baby were Ina. Shop don't scream" he says "I sowwy I be quite" I say,he pats my head "it's okay just indoor voices and If u wnat u can get that one" he says I smile and grabs it squealing and runs to till

 Shop don't scream" he says "I sowwy I be quite" I say,he pats my head "it's okay just indoor voices and If u wnat u can get that one" he says I smile and grabs it squealing and runs to till

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(this is stuffie,I want one myself now)

Sero pov:
I sigh soflty and run after him to till,once at till I hold his hand and pay for stuffie as I was paying he yawned "getting tried?" He nods and does uppie hands "up upp! Pwci!" (Up up! Paci!) He says wnating up and paci,I pick up stuffie then grabs his paci and hands it to Him,He slips in between Hsi lips as I pick him up and walk out shop.

Once back at UA I lay him down on bed he was already asleep,So I change him into his Onesie and then tucked him into bed with stuffie "night kitten" I whispering kissing his head soflty as I turn light of and get in bed aswell


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