✨Dabibaku✨Some little time

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Requested by @puppetthepuppeteer (tag them for me) I will only be able to do one of yours so here is your Dabibaku

Also this is platonic

Little age:1-3

Burnt daddy issues pov:
I was Katsuki bakugou Platonic Cg,I wasn't his proper cg but right now he doesn't have one and since I new him when we were younger,I decied to help him and Be his cg for now till he find someone.

I been his cg for a year now,He can be a but of a brat but he is a good,We only ever talk to eachother when he is little as I am a villain,I don't want h losing his chance as a hero,So are friendship is kept a secret not even The l.o.v know I'm his friend or cg,I always look after him in my Small house I bought just for Thoes times.

Spiky angry dog pov:
I was at School in a lesson and was slipping badly *mind:I want Bubba.."* I was swinging my legs and doodling on my work,As well as my finger lingering dangerously close to my mouth,I hadn't realzie icyhot staring at me seeing what I was doing.He hot up and walks over to me And whispers to me "Bakugou are u okay? You seem distracted?" He says I look at him "I..Wan bubba" (I want bubba) I say as I had slip and was quite young,He looked at me for a bit then nods "Okay little one,Who's your bubba?" He says whispering soflty "D-Dwbi" (dabi" I say,He looks shocked then smiles sofkty,Grabbing my phone and goes to my contacts s and see one called Bubba/Dabi "is this his number?" He ask,I nod

He starts texting dabi while I sit there doodling,He didn't get in trouble for Talking with me as we did have free period at moment and everyone else was in groups doing whatever,He finshes texting Dabi and looks at me,putting my phone in my bag and ociks bag up "Let's take u To dabi" he says,I do getting up and takes his hand soflty

Youngest Daddy issues pov:
I smile soflty,bakugoy look so soft when he slipped..I always had a feeling he was little,He always dazed of alot in common room,almost sucking Hsi thumb or in class aswell,like today but today proved it.It was a surprise Dabi is his cg but that is fine as long as bakugou is safe.I walk to aizawa "Aizawa,I am taking bakugou to dorms he is not feeling well"I say aizawa nods "yeah yeah go,I'm tryna sleep" he says then goes back to sleep as I walk out but I stead of going to dorms I walk out of school and of school grounds into forest

Once In forest,A portal appears Davi walking out of it

Burnt stapel pov:
Walks out prital and see Kats with shoto and smiles a bit *mind:My brother's always been so helpful and kind"* Kats run to me hugging me,I pick him up and looks at shoto "Thank u hero for texting me and bringing him to me and don't worry he will be safe with me" I say shoto nods "It's no problem and I won't tell anyone about this,Your guys secret is safe with me" he says walking away I nod then walks back in protal into my apartment.

I walk to bakugou bedroom and Sits on his bed "Hey little one,Was today stressful?" I ask Brushing his hair from his face,He look up and nods "wea..nwt a gwwd da.." (yeah,Not a good day) I nod "Aww, It's okay we'll were gonna have loads and loads of fun for rest day" I say he smiles "So what do u wanna do baby?" I ask as I grab his paci,He looks up "Pway! Pway!" I nod and smiles and slips his paci in his mouth "Let's play then" I set him on floor and sits next to him and begins to play with him,half way through playing I made him a bottole and come cheesey mash with veg and fed him the mash and veg and gave him his bottole to drink and once he had finshed we countied playing all day till it got late and he fell asleep.

Once he fell asleep I tucked him in and went to my room and I sued Kats phoen and texted my brothers "Hero it's me Dabi,Thank u again for Bringing him to me,If he ever slips again jsut come to me.Save my number in your phone so it's easier to Call me I stead of on Kats phone" I text,I texted him so if Kats ever slipped in class again I know he'll be okay.Once I sent text I layed down and fell asleep

the end!

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