✨Bakusqaud/Kirishima x bakugou (5/5✨ Kirishima looking after bakugou

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Requested by DamnRiot
Littles age 1-4
Date made-25/3/22
Little explosion pov:
After another few hours I wake up "mm.."I look up and sees dada,I jump upp "Dada!!" I shout,he looks at me and smile "Hello pebble" he says,I climb on his chest and jump up and down smiling bright "So adorable ain't u little one?" He says tickling me "N-Noooo" I say blushing sofkty and laughing,He chuckles "yess u are" he says kissing me all over my face,I squeal and smile more "I wove chu dada!"(I love u dada) "Aww i love u to pebble" he says kissing my head and stands up picking me up,I smile holding onto him.

Shark pov:
I begin to walk out Kami dorm "bye Kami" I say Kami waves "Bye Kiri,bye little one" "bi bi pika!"(bye bye pika) Kats says as I walk out and walks to our dorm

(While writing this I'm watching YouTube aswell so what's everyone favourite YouTuber? Mines Fusionzgamer and Daz black,there both really kind and funny creators and both make amazing content.

Also another question if u like to cook dinner or bake treats/sweets what your favourite to cook/bake? I love to bake cake and cupcake and for cooking I love to cook meatballs and spaghetti,I. Acutally make home made spaghetti and meatballs today :).

Ya don't have to answer questions if ya don't want to, it's just some random question for fun)

Once I get to mine and Kats dorm,well really it's my dorm but Kats doesn't even sleep in his dorm anymore so yeah it ours now,I walk over to bed and sets him down and see t-shirt jirou out on him,I sigh soflty *mind:she always out these shirts on him..I think she's wear he learns swearing from..but atleaste he has fun with jirou even though she teaches him bad words and give him inappropriate shirts* I sigh and chuckle soflty "What do u wanna do baby?" I ask,he looks up "cwddles!!"(cuddles),I nods and lay down next to him and cuddles him,He cuddles back and smile.

This reminds me first time we cuddle when he was little, it's all he wanted to do at first when he first told me


I was in middle doing home work with deku when I got a called from bakugou "give me a sec midoriya" i answer call "hey what's up babe?" I ask "Hey kiri..can u come to my dorm for a minute?" He ask sounding nervous,got me a bit worried is he okay "I'll be there soon" "okay see ya" he says ending call,deku looks at me.i look at him "I need to go midoriya,see you tomorrow" I say,he nods "see ya Kiri san" deku says I nod and leave he as ding to bakugou dorm,I hope he is okay he seemed so nervous..

Baku pov;
I was sitting on my bed a box infornt of me with all my little stuff and a letter in there explaining everything to ei..I'm to nervouse to say it myself so a note for him to read will be better,I hear a knock and take a deep breath "Come in"I say,he walks in "so what's up pebble?" He ask I hands him box "Look in side and read letter! please!" I say looking away,He opened box up and grabbed letter and Stared at the Paci,onesie,plushie and other bits then began to read.  *the note: Hey Ei..okay so I am about to tell u something I've ment to tell u for awhile..but I been scared casue I know that once u finsh reading this your gonna find me digusting and probably break up with me but I finally got courag today to tell u so please read carefully.  I am a little,which is age regression.i basically have a mindset were I am a child of age 1-4,I use paci,onesie I act like a child,talk like a child,eat like a child and just all that.God yoyr probably at this part now thinking like 'wtf is wrong with my boyfriend' and thinking I am childish and werid but please don't leave me ei..if u don't like this I"ll stop being little for u,I'll force myself to stop just don't leave me ever.. love u * he stared at letter after finishings reading it,he then smiles sofkty and sets letter down "I won't leave u Kat and god I do not think u are weird,I am so glad u finally came out to me about it and I promise to support u all way through" he says kissing me sofkty I break down crying happily and hold him night "fuck I was so scared you'd hate me I love u so fwcking much ei" I say as I Slowly slip he smile "I love u to" he sits down on bed and I climb in his lap and cuddle him "cwddles me" I say he smile and nods cuddling with me "your adorable pebble" he says

-end flashback-

I hold him close and we both soon fall asleep cuddling,We just spent the night cuddling and sleeping peacefully together,I love Kats so much both when he is big and little

the end! Hope u loved all this @DamnRiot and I am glad to have done this request for u

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