Shigabaku✨Christmas party✨

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platonic!Requested by puppetthepuppeteer , Here is shigabaku! Dabibaku and monabaku will be coming aswell soon!

Little age:1-2
Date made-6-7/12/21

Shiggy pov:
We don't celebrate Christmas in Leauge since none of u know how to..our family never celbreated Christmas with us so we don't know it but this year bakugou has taught us,When bakugou is big he's been teaching us about Christmas what it's about so we know now.We became friends with bakugou in February he joined league and well we got to know him in summer he told us his secret about being a little and i became his caregiver,Well liek a brother to him when he is little,But as a thank u to bakugou for teaching us stuff we never got to learn as kids,Helping us have proper food and everything in base and For giving us new ways to de stress like for me instead of scratching he gave me these fidget cube I play with when Stressed and that we had decided to throw a Christmas party for little bakugou! Since little bakugou wants to have one so much we are.

I was at moment geting bakugou dresses into a cute little elf outfit "baba..Wha we doin?" (Baba what are we doing?) He ask,We hadn't told him get "Well Llittke guy,We have a little surprise for u" I say he smiles his eye s filling with excitement "weally?!" (Really?!) I nod and he smiles more

(I also just realized I haven't translated what little says for people to understand better in a few chapters this past week I posted and I am sorry about that if u couldn't understand what bakugou would say I'm down with flu at moment and have been for past week and half but I promsie I will put the translates I do back in so for thoes who can't understands what he says will he able to again so sorry for forgetting to do it)

After a bit I took bakugou down stairs to Main room of base and as we entered there was loads of decorations up and Snacks and food in tableade by kurogiri casue rest of us can't cook bakugou can but at moment he can and Everyone dressed in Elf costume but dabi is in Santa! Since we're villains and can't take bakugou to see Santa dabi will be our Santa,Dabi didn't like idea much but He'd do it for bakugou.

Bakugou pov:
As we entered room my eye spakrled as I look around "Ewfs! Ohhh!!! Swnt!!" (Elfs! Ohh! Santa!) I look at shiggy to out me down and he does as I run over to Santa "Well hello little one" "Santa" says as he lifts me on his lap "what would u like fro Christmas?" He ask I smile "pwshies!!" (Plushies(I say excitedly "a-an ew-eary-ewryon in weag hwpy!!"(and everyone in Leauge go be happy) I say smiling Bright,shiggy and evsryone die of cuteness smiling even "Santa" smiles behind the white face beard "Well we can certainly make that happen" he says I smile bright "yay!!" I keep talking with Santa then he sets me down as I run off to lap saying he need to go and walks away.I ran over to toga and Twice and plays with them and soon dabi arrived wearing jeans and a hoodie and played with me

By night time I fell asleep in dabi lap,Shiggy took me to bed.I really loved Christmas party if was best!

Hope u enjoyed!

These next few gonna be Christmas themed since it is Christmas!

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