✨Monbaku✨upset and scared

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Requestes by lolzzzzlevicom

Little age-1-4

Date startes-6/2/23

Omg i am alive and back!!! Sorry for long break alot sh*t happened in February and i lost motivation plus writer block but i am back! -8/4/23

Date made-8/4/23

Bakugou pov:
Today was terrible,i woke up late,couldn't find anything making me more late and plus i tripped over in way to class and now i failed my test.

We were in class and aizawa handed us all are tests back "okay,thoes who got 50% and under you have failed..you can either retake it and hope to get over 50% or your out courae as u know this woth most your grade..now if yo-" i froze as aizawa said that hands shaking as i look at my test results saying 18%..i started to tear up,i quickly got up "I-I'm going to toilet.." i say running out before aizawa could even say no,i ran, beginning to slip heading to bathrooms.

After a bit i soon arrived and i leant against wall fully slipped to mindset of 2,i look around scared and began crying as i fall down on floor.

25 ninutes later

Monama pov:
I had needed toilet during lessons,as i walked closer i hear crying i was co concerned so i opend door slowly to see one and only katsuki bakugou crying and sucking on his thumb,he looked up and scooted closer to wall curling in on himsef i looked at him with a face of aw,I walked over slowly and needles down "hey bakugou?..are u okay??" I ask "n-nw..bwkw!!..i-it kwtswki! (Not baku! It katsuki) he says,i stare thinking realizing he was an age regessor and smiles soflty "sorry katsuki,you small??" He nods soflfy "how old are u?" He stares before holding up two fingers and i ruffles his hair soflty "such a small boy ain't u" he giggles soflty tears calming a bit "..Y-yw..yw dwn hat me??" (You don't hate me) he says,i shake my head "no i don't little one" wiping tears from his cheek,he calms down more smiling soflry "mhm..Cwddle?' (Mm cuddle) i nod and picks him up "lets get u to my dorm" i say,as he nods soflty and snuggles into my chest.i smile and take him back to dorms to mine.

Omg am i actually updating?!

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