✨Bakusqaud/Kirishima x bakugou (2/5✨Mina looking after bakugou

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Requested by DamnRiot
Little age-1-4

Mina pov:
Once I  Kidnapped Kitkat from Sero I took KitKat to my room "So what do u wanan do KitKat? " He looks up at me "Mm..Dwess up! Wana do Dwess up mama!!" He says,he always called me mama,I didn't care I remember first time he did,He soon realzie what he said and got so upset thinking Kiri would hate him then for calling me mama when kiri was his cg


It was acutally a few days after he told us he was little (which that little flashback will be in another part~ so u gotta wait for that) from that day we all played with him when he was little,Today I was looking after him with Kiri close by,as Kats still didn't wnat Kiri to be to far away from him when little.but as we were playing he started staring at me "m-mama CA I has bwttle?" (Mama I can I have bottole) he ask not realize what he said,I squeal a bit and smiles "ofcourse let me go make it" I get up and go make his bottle and when I was heading back,He burst out crying "hey hey what's wrong little one?" "D-dada Gon hwte me no! And chu will!" (Dada gonna hate me now and u will) he says,Kiri walked over hearing "Hey listen to me little one,why would I hate u?" He (Kiri) asked picking kats up "I-i..called m-ma...mina...mama!..i-i dwd nw me tw!" He says almost calling me mama again,Kiri smile soflty and kisses his head "I don't care sweetie,If u wanna call mina mama go ahead,She doesn't seem to care either so it's okay I won't hate u and neither will she " Kiri said "Yeah I don't,so it's okay" I say he nods calming down and calms down a bit more once I have him his bottole.

-end flashback-

I smile "okay let's play dress up!" I grab a box from my wadrobe that was full of dress up outfits in my size,Kats size and denki,Sero and Kiri size cause we sometime drag them into dress up time.I grabbed out all mine and Kats one from box and the children make up u but from toy section I only got that for Kats cause last time I gave him my make up..he broke my eyeshdaw and lipstick pallet so we just get him cheap make up to use when little. "Okay what does skit kat wanna be?" I ask

KitKat pov;
I look at clothing and grabs a pink dress for mina "chu pwincess! An Mee..." I look at clothes "Meee...pwincess aswell!" (Me princess aswell  I say picking out an orange and black dress fro me

pwincess aswell!" (Me princess aswell  I say picking out an orange and black dress fro me

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(Mina dress)

(Bakugou dress)

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(Bakugou dress)

I put dress on with mina help,which was knee length as I loved knee length dress! There easiest to walk around in "now what should we do?" Mina ask I look at her "Dwnce (dance)!" She nods "how old u?" She asks,I guess she could my little was a bit older than what I was when with Sero earlier on. I look up at her and hold 3 fingers up "tree!" (Three) I say,she nods "Such a Big boy today"she says as she puts some disney songs on and we both begin to dance to music her holding my hands as we dance.

I giggle having fun and dancing around! It was so amazing seeing the way are skirts flowed as we spun and dance around. after a few hours of dancing my favorite well 2nd favorite person,Dada is 1st favorite! But my 2nd favourite person walked in room! "minaaa give me my little music buddy" jirou says "you've had him for ages now" she says,me and mina didn't even realzie we been dancing for almost 3 hours "aww okay,she kneels down to me and ksises my head "see ya later KitKat" she says removing my dress and get me in my original clothes then jirou picks me up "c'mon let rock!" Jriou says wlaking out mina room I giggling clinging onto jirou

Woo! Jirou timeee next!! See ya in next part

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