✨Bakudeku✨Class finding out

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Requested by-
@ hellomynameisTHICCC (Tag em for me plzz wattpad won't let me)

Little age:1-2

Date made-17/9/22 (well started it) 10/11/22

Hii! I am so so so sorry for not updating in ages I have just had writes block and general been so busy but we are back we will get this updated! I am gonna get though all the requests I got back in September :)

Katsuki pov:
I haven't regressed for awhile holding it back,Being busy with scholl having no time to regress at all, especially with all villain attacks we had later and almost being kidnapped..again...,I layed my head on desk as Aizawa spoke some students looking at me questioning as I was always listening and paying attention but they ignored it thinking I was just tired today. which was true I am but also stressed,I began tapping my foot on floor trying not to regress but it was so hard,my thumb startwd slipping closer and closer to my mouth.

After a minute or two I slipped and I began crying and sucking on my thumb not knowing what to do or how to tell daddy

Todoroki pov:
I heard crying and looked around "anyone else her ethat crying?" I say,The class nod "yeah,Wonder who it is?" Denki says "Mabey a list child?" Toru says "can't be they can't get in ua" tsuyu says,MOMO looked over "guys I think it's bakugou..look at him"momo says,eveyone looks over deku got up and walked infornt of bakugou "Katsuki..You okay?" He says

Bakugou looked up crying "Dwdw!!" (Dada)He says jumping from desk to deku,deku hugs him tight and holds him close,we were all confused why is bakugou calling him dada? Why do they seem so close? And why is bakugou upset? Some classes seemed to understand but not much at all,I and other were confused.

Deku pov:
I hug bakugou close and ksis his head rubbing his back  "Shh it's okay, it's okay dada here" bakugou snuggles into me "dwda..twired.." (dada tired)  he says "C'mon let's get u too dorms,okay?" I day he nods soflty as I stand up and pick him him,I look at class "I'll explain later on" I say as I walk out they nod.

I took him to his room and lays on bed with him, cuddling him "Dwdw?" (dada) Kats ask gently "mm? Yeah baby?" I look at him "Aww chu mad with me?..fwr sipping like tat..and nto swipping for ages?" (Are u mad at me? For slipping like that and not slipping for ages) He ask,I shake my head "of course not  baby,not at all.it wasn't your fault little one I wasn't and never will be mad at you for something like that" I kisses his head,he nods and smiles closing his eye yawning "baby before u sleep,can I tell the class about this?" I ask he nods and falls asleep soflty. I smile softly kissing his head.

After a bit I leave him to sleep and go to dorms seeing everyone there "alright,all of you I'll explain now" I said they looked at me,some taking a seat some just standing there looking as they all nod "kacchan is an age regsser, basically if you don't know it's when some regresses back to a young age mostly ranges between 8mom-6 years, people do it to cope with traume stress and that" is say they nod listening "so how old does he regress?" Tsuyu asks "he regesses between 1-2 right now he is 1" I say "what does he regesses for ? "Denki ask "He uses it to cope with trauma and stress" they all nod "When he regssesd,He really loves attention,cuddles it's sweet..So here is some things if he regssesd and I am not there..grab his paci and bunny plush from his bag,He always keep them in there,If he ask for Bunny or cuddly that is the plush.Text me and I will be theree soon,Try and play with him or cuddle with him till I arrive" I say they all nods,smiling soflty listening even mineta seemed to be supportive of it. I contiued to explain before katsuki came down holding cuddly,paci skipping from his mouth "Dwda?.." he says the class aww as I walk over and pick him up "Hey little one,slee well?" I ask he nods and smiles soflty "Hwngy" (hungry)" sato stands up "I'll go make some food,what so u want?" Sato says
,Katsuki looks over "Nwggets pwse" (nuggets please) he says,sato nods and goes and make nuggets,I kiss his head and boop his nose "good boy,you asked nicely" he smiles and claps his hands.

That's how evening went the class getting to know little katsuki and hanging out with him,all being supportive and amazing

Here it is! Hops u enjoyed

Soo back when I did a face reveal and I said my name and pronouns they have changed since then Soo it was Virgil and they/them  it's now Sharky and I go by He/They :)) and I am genderfluid

Also here is one my most recent cosplays

Also here is one my most recent cosplays

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