✨Todobaku +endeavour (3/?)✨ Endeavour babysitting

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Requested by @ HonesyIsMyWeakness (tag em for me please)

Little age-2-5

Date made-26/2/22

Endeavour pov:
I smile soflty "okay,little one how about u go have a quick warm bath and get some warm clothes in,okay? U seem cold and quiet wet from the storm so let's get u warm?" I offer,he nods and gets up "You can use shoto's bathroom" I say he nods and walks to bathroom,While he takes bath I grab my phone and call shoto.

(Phone call 

Endeavour:*Calls shoto*

Sho:*answers*What's up old man?

Endeavour:Your boyfriend bakugou,Came to our house looking for u I don't know why but he seems to have been kicked out from his own home.right now he's having a warm bath to warm up from storm but he wants u,he is also in little space

Sho:mm,okay I'll be there soon it jsut gonna take awhile the storm is getting worse and worse out there I don't know how long I'll be please keep him safe and look after him while I try get there

Endeavour:Okay and I promised to look after him Don't worry,anything I should know about Him

Sho:Yes a few things,1 do not leave him alone for two long he hates being alone, 2 make sure he has some light on when sleeping at nighte 3.he hates sleeping alone especially when little so give him something of mine at Night to cuddle it'll help till I get there, 4.When little he likes to be active but also cuddly so try keep him active but close by but when. He is upset he's more relax and quite and trys not to be cuddly not wanting to bother even though he doesn't bother anyone at all when upset

Endeavour:okay got it,Well I should get going I'll see u in a few days sho

Sho:See u endeavour

Endeavour:*ends call*

End call)

Kats pov:
I hoped in a warm shower struggling a bit with working shower "damn Wich people..and tthe- Wich stuff!" (Damn rich people and there rich stuff) I mumble to myself as I hoped in shower and warmed up,Shower was nice once out shower I got myself changed into a onesie struggling with onesie.

Once done I slip paci back in and hold my teddy,My teddy was a cute half red and half white Teddy I names it shosho after daddy! As it did look like him plus he got it for me! I love it loads.

i head back to living room to see endeavour,he looks at me "little one daddy said he will be here in a few days,But it gonna take a bit,okay?" He says,I pouts but nod soflty  "Otay.."  he ruffles my hair a bit "Let's dry your hair and watch a movie,it Is getting late?" He says I nod sofkty "okay" he grabbed hair dryer and hair brush I sit in floor as he sits on sofa behind me.he then begins to brush my hair and blow dry it till it was all  dry

Once it was dry we watched a movie till I feel asleep,When I did he tucked me into sho bed with a jumper of his and Wish me good night sleep before heading to bed himself


I am sorry for any spelling mistake in this I am watching something at same time as writing it will be another part to it!

Gramma fixed!

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