✨Bakusqaud/Kirishima x bakugou (4/5✨ denki looking after bakugou

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Requested by DamnRiot
Little age-1-4
Date made-20-22/3/22

Here is part 4! Pt.5 will be soon which will be Little Kats caregiver and everyone favourite shark

Kami pov:
I took Kats to my room and sets him down "What shall we do mini pickachu?" I ask,he runs to his draw he has here and grabs a video game which was just a marvel lego game "Tis!' (this? he says yawning,I nod "how about a nap first seem someone been up all day and Seems a bit tired" is ay he pouts "noo I ain twred!" (No I ain't tired) he says while yawning again "c'mon pickachu I know u are" he screams and sits on floor kicking his legs "noo! No no! I ain twred!" (Noo no, I ain't tried) I sigh and picks him as he continue to kick and scream I walk him over to bed "Kats if u don't stop I'll have to tell dada and I don't think dada will get y that blanket u wnated from shops if he's heard your misbehaving" I say that stopped him and he years up "noo pwase don tell dada!" (No please don't tell dada) He says,I kiss his head.

He hated when Kiri got upset at him or mad,Kiri never did anything bad when he was upset with Kats but Kats just hated being away from him,he hated when Kiri would put him in time out when he missed behave that's was what kat hate when he was introuble with kiri because it ment he was away from Kiri and he alwasy thinks Kiri is upset in him though Kiri never does get upset with him and if he ever does he is only ever a bit upset but that when he does something quite bad like that one time he threw a toy at me..Katsuki a good kid he is it there time when he throws stuff when little he doesn't do it much though cause he hates when he is told off by Kirishima.

It was my second time looking after Kats it was all going well and good acutally,Kats was behaving well even though he was just bailing his eyes out cause Kiri had to go shopping for the dorm and for soem bits for Kats but he was well behave now we'll u till I suggested nap time that is.i kept telling him to calm down and behave and that it was naptime but he wasn't listening it's been like this now for past 10 minutes I decied to try one more time before I have to call Kiri "Katsuki listen Please,your tired little one you been awake all day just calm alright and we'll take a sma-"I tried to say before I had a toy truck peleted at my face hitting me right in nose.okay fuck that hurt..I relaize it was bleeding and rushes to get some tissue for my nose,Kats didn't realize what he did he just went back to playing when I ran to bathroom I grabbed my phone holding tissue to my nose and dials Kiri number "hey man what's up? Is Kats okay?" Kiri ask "Yeah He okay..but he just threw a toy truck at me hard"I say "oh are u okay? And what caused him to throw? He knows he isn't allowed to throws toys", Kiri says "I told him it was nap time cause he was quite tired and yawning and we'll he threw a tantrum then ended up throwing toy at me..right now I am bleeding alot from my nose" Kiri sigh soflty "okay I'm on way to dorms now I'll be there in 5 as I was already heading back,Sort your nose out and keep an eye on Kats till I'm back" Kiri says I nod and hang up and then helps tissue to my nose after getting a fresh tissue.

When Kiri arrived he set grocery on common room table then heads to Kami room,Kats looked up "dada!!" Kiri walked to Kami first which upset Kats "Dada! Dada!" Kiri helps Kami with his nose and ince needing stopped he walked to Kats "u are in big trouble Kats" he says as he picks Kats up and sets him in corner '10 minutes now in corner then when u are out u will Apologize to Kami then bed time" he says making Kats face wall Kats broke out crying "dada! Dada! Dada!!" Kats keep falling for him,Kiri stayed close and did felt bad but Kats needed to be punished for his bad Behavior,it did work after a bit Kats was out and apologized to be then Kiri took him to bed and he did not let go of Kiri all night that night

-end flashback- (Should I do a flags back in pt 5 with Kiri? Were it's when he tell Kiri about his little space or should this be last flash, back? )

I kisses his head"I won't if u just calm down little one an d take a nap your obviously tried" I say,he leans his head on my shoulder and snuggled I to me "Otay.." he says yawning I walk him over to my bed and lays him down,I tuck him in "bed time story or lullaby?" I ask, "wallaby!" (Lullaby) he says I smile and think of a lullaby and begins to sing Soldier,poet,king

~Denki singing
There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

There will come a poet
Whose weapon is His word
He will slay you with His tongue

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will slay you with His tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy

Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
Smeared with oil like David's boy
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will tear your city down, oh lei, oh lai

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh

By end song Kats fell asleep snoring and sleeping peacefully,I smile and Gets up and goes to my desk and listen to music with headphones.

It 2 hours later when Kiri arrives Kats still asleep "Hey,how was Kats? The other said he's been such a good boy all day" I look up at Kiri and smile "Heyy and He's been good" I say not mention his little tantrum earlier in "he's asleep right now he seemed tired so I let him have a nap" I say he nods and smile "okay" he hoped on bed next to cat and plays with Kats hair "I'll let him sleep for a bit longer,he hasn't got much sleep lately" Kiri says I nod and smile

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