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Romeesa6 here it is!

Date made-11/2/22

Little age 3-4
Little Blondie pov:
Today was day I prank daddie! Me and Kaminari are were nothing pranking are daddies together,His daddies is Shinsou and monama but he's only pranking monama cause he says monama been being a b*tch lately and my daddie has aswell,both deku and monama have been ignoring us and we don't like it! I've had to have shinsou look after me for past few week so we want revenge now

1st prank

Before monoama and deku showered for day,I put neon pink hair dye in dada shampoo and conditioner and Then Denki pit neon red in monoama shampoo and conditioner it was hilarious once then came out Shower "Who did this! My beautiful hair is bright red now" monama complained x"I sa mwneta go in you woom dada an in izu woom" (I saw mineta go in your room dada and in izu room Kami says "mineta u peace of trash i will kill u" both deku and monama say chasing after Mineta

Prank 2
We put salt in there bowls of cereal when they weren't looki g it was hilarious both dada and monama threw up

We did loads and loads of pranks and we kept pranks going till late in afternoon but by are last 0rank they caught us "so it was u two huh?" Monama says "all day it was u two" he says we freeze and looks ta them nodding slowly "Were worry" (were sorry) we both say,They sigh and kneels down "Why'd u do it u two?,U never usually do pranks" daddie says "I..just wanted to trw gwt you a-ttenwion!" I say "dwd I do something Wong daddy?" I ask tearing ul,He pulls me into a hug "I am so sorry puppy,I've just been so busy and so stressed I didn't mean to ignore u forgive me puppy" he says I nod and do uppy hands "up up'

Deku pov;
I stand up and picks him up and take him to our room once there I lay him down and change shim to a clean outfit since his was messy form all pranks I then pick him back up and sits in bed cuddling him and kissing him all over his face making him giggle and spent all afternoon with him

I am sorry this is terrible and short! I'm tried at moment but need to get an update out for yall

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