File 49: The One with the Secrets That Never Stay Secrets

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Now it's time for the crazy journey, get ready beautiful people. It's going to be one long, wild ride. Enjoy + don't forget to vote and comment, babes. There's a fun surprise during Zayn's point of view, have a blast!

It's been a solid two months since I woke up at the hospital and everything is slowly starting to mold back to itself again; that's what I think at least. Everyone still looks at me strange when I speak, or even when I'm just walking around, and I get this feeling that they're expecting me to do something - something bad for the most part, but I have never had the urge to.

I don't seem to get what happened back at the hospital and I never will, because everything I have been told seems unreal, like a lie. It does sound ridiculous that they'd lie to me about a think like this, but it's that I don't remember anyone but them being in my room for my entire stay there.

I do remember blacking out moments after Zayn barged into my room. I was looking out the window but the moment he burst through the door, everything just went dark - but I don't want to tell them anything about that. They say I talked to them and that my voice wasn't mine, I never got that though. How could a voice not be my own?

I still blackout. I'll be walking around at some place I don't remember going and when I get out of my trance, I'm extremely confused with my whereabouts, lost, and scared, but I never told them that either. I could only imagine the kind of questions and tests I'd get if I ever did.

I turn the knob and turn the shower off. Almost immediately my body aches for the water to be turned back on, but when I open the curtain to look at my phone, I find out that it's been two hours since I first got in.

I slowly step out onto the cold floor with wet feet and wrap a towel around my waist, and I grab another to shake through my hair. When I approach the foggy mirror, I reach forward and rub the flat of my palm across the glass to clean some of the fog off. My reflection is a part to be revealed and the first thing I see if my eyes. I'll admit that the extremely dark circles under my eyes have me suspicious because I feel like I've been sleeping for hours and hours, or was I just blacked out for the night?

Another part that's revealed was the bullet hole beneath my rib cage. It was completely healed, but I still remember the ridiculous amount of pain it caused me that day. My fingertips are lightly brushing across the scar as the memory of the day quickly flashes through my mind.

I remember that the only thing on my mind was Ariana and that I needed to get to her. I think I believed she was dead at some point, but I think we were bothing thinking the same in these messed up heads of ours; we always seem to jump to the bad conclusion first.

As I lift my hand to wipe another streak away, I hear laughter coming from the room and I turn my attention to the sound. Moving towards the door, I touch the knob with unecessary shakey hands and pull the door open. I walk out of the room with a dull expression, even when I find Ariana sitting on the bed with Zayn, the two of them laughing at something I didnt even want to bother with.

As I move past them, the room falls silent and I can feel their eyes burning into my back while I approach my open drawer. My hands rummage through the folded clothes as I attempt to make myself look too busy to talk, or to acknowledge them in their sense - but unfortunately that plan didn't last long.

"I know that you're not wanting to talk to us right now, especially me to begin with, but we really need you to come downstairs today." He speaks in a suggestive tone, "Everyone misses you, we haven't really seen much of you since we brought you home."

"And it should stay that way." I mumbled as I pull a shirt over my head, tugging it down to its rightful place, "I'm fine up here, but thanks for the offer." I'm starting to feel strange - a little dizzy, a little slow, "I'm actually really tired, I should get some...sleep."

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