File 11: The One with the Anger

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"Mr. Styles," I begin to stir on the couch I was lying on, "psst, Mr. Styles." I realize that the person who was calling me wasn't in my dreams, and I slowly woke up. I open one eye before the other one followed, my vision blurred before clearing up. Ariana's nurse soon coming into sight with a smile, "I'm sorry, but it's getting late and I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I sit up, rubbing my eyes sleepily and my eyes dart across the room to take in the sight of an unconscious Grande. I sigh and nod my head, "Let me get my things and I'll be on my way." I check my watch to find it being past midnight, I look up to the nurse and thank her for making it possible for me to stay this late. I get up and take my coat and phone into one hand, I approach Grande and press a kiss to her forehead before leaving the room.



I arrive at Louis' log cabin where the rest of the lads planned to meet, I pull the key out and just sit in the driver's seat. My fingers tightly wrapped around the steering wheel, my knuckles growing white; I then bow my head forth and rest my forehead against the wheel.

What bothered me the most was how she was just standing there, she looked so out of it. She didn't even notice the knife until it had already been buried beneath her skin. She looked as if she was in deep thought, but why would she be in deep thought in the middle of battle? It just doesn't make any sense.

My thoughts are interrupted when someone taps my window a few times, I lift my head and turn it in the direction that the knock had come from, the window sliding down with a push of a button. "Harry, are you alright?" Louis asks, concern written all over his features. "I'm fine."

My response may have been a bit blunt, but I couldn't control my tone at the time. I pulled the door handle and stepped out of my temporary vehicle, following Louis back into the house. As soon as I step through the doorway, laughter is heard. "Where are the guys?" I ask, raising a brow.

"They're in the back by the fire," He replies, leading me to the backyard, grabbing a few things along the way. "I thought it would be appropriate to have a campfire tonight, just like the good ol' times, right?" He nudges my shoulder.

"Those were the days, man." I say cooly, the fire and the three boys coming into sight. Before all of this, we all hung out at each other's log cabins, sitting by the fire almost every night and talking about random shit. I couldn't help but wish that Ariana was here, she'd enjoy this time.

I take a seat on a chair, holding my hands up by the fire to warm them

up. "How is she doing?" My head whips up to find Zayn seated right beside me, raising his brows in a questioning manner while waiting for an answer.

"I still haven't got to talk to her, she's been unconscious ever know. I was there the entire day hoping that she'd wake up, but nothing." I say, finding myself gazing at the flames that waved from side to side due to the wind. "The doctors said that she may be out for a while, but I just don't get it." I shake my head from side to side, my fingers playing with one another.

"She lost a lot of blood," He dares to remind me and I nod. "The reason she passed out at first was because the pain was overwhelming for her body, there's only so much pain a person could take; it soon gets to a point were your body can't handle it anymore." There's the nerd we all know and love.

"And when you lose a lot of blood, what the body needs to function, you go unconscious. The injury becoming more major than minor." He continues, my jaw drops. "I thought you were a computer geek." I say and he just laughs.

"A little bit of both," He leans his elbows onto his knees and smiles. "When I was in collage, I studied two majors. Technology and Medical, I've got a masters in both. The agency thinks I'm more of a computer geek than a doctor, but I do both."

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