File 51: The One with the Regret

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Get your tissues ready...

"Wait miss, may I ask who you're here to see? I need to know to see if they're available or not." The woman at the front desk asks, peering over the counter with suspicious eyes.

"His name is Ethan Crawford. I'm a friend of his and I heard that he's the real deal around here." She fakes a smile and hums to agree, typing into her computer, "Available or not, I'm going in."

"I'd like to see you try. Sorry, but Mr. Crawford's in a meeting at the moment and it's important." She clasps her hands and raises her brows as if she were waiting for me to walk away, "I guess you'll just have to take a seat in the lobby and entertain yourself with a book, or something." She rolls her eyes, clicking away at her computer again.

"I'd rather not. Go ahead and call him, let him know that I'm on my way up. I already know my way there," I blow a kiss to taunt and walk past the security by lightly touching their shoulders as I pass, "Miss, miss! Bryan, Howard, what are you doing? Go after her, stop her before she gets to the--"

Before she could even finish that sentence, the elevator doors shut and the voice inside asks for the floor number, "Sixty-four." I say, leaning back against the wall and admiring my nails until the machine comes to a stop on the floor that I had requested, "Thanks, Debra." I say to the voice and she replies with kindness as I step out.

I walked down the hall with confident steps, my heels clicking against the tiled floor as I move in a steady pace. While I look ahead, I noticed that there's another woman settled at a desk in front of the meeting room and she was staring right at me while talking on the phone. I'll guess that the lady downstairs has called her to warn her of my presence and by the look she was giving me, I'm right.

She quickly hangs up the phone and picks it up again to call - who I'm guessing - security. I walk up to her desk before she can finish the call, "I'd like to say that calling security would be a smart idea, but it's not. So if you're going to call them, I'd suggest getting a whole team, or something. I'm tough to beat," I wink, walking past her.

"Ma'am, you cannot go in there. Mr Crawford is inavailable right now." She gets up, coming to a stop in front of the door, refusing to let me in.

"Mr Crawford is inavailable right now." I mock in a high pitched voice before grabbing hold of her shoulder and pushing her aside, "I'm one of his friends, so sit your ass down." My fingers wrap around the door handle before I yank the door open and walk in, causing a scene.

"Ethan, let me get this straight. You aren't the Queen of England, or the president of the U.S, calm down with all the security, you aren't that special." I say with a big smile, pushing myself up to sit at the end of the table, "Hi." I grin at a few men and they smile back, giving me flirty eyes that I ignore.

He drops his hands from where he was pointing at the PowerPoint and smiles wide, "Gentlemen, this beautiful woman is Ariana and she's a friend of mine and considering that she's interrupted our meeting, it may be something important?" He asks with concerned eyes.

I nod and he mirrors it, "It is, so if we could just postpone this meeting to another day without an issue. Wait, of course we can. I'm the boss here. You're all dismissed." He waved a hand, shooing them and turns to shut the screen off with the push of a button, "Give me a moment."

The men scatter out of the room in a matter of seconds, "Hey, pretty thang. What's up? Thanks for saving me back there, I was actually thinking about jumping out that window, but then again, office windows don't open." He raises a brow, making his way over to me.

"Such a hard life for you, isn't it?" I cross my leg over the other and lean back onto the palms of my hands, "I wish I had come here just to hang out, but instead I'm here to ask questions about your brother."

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