File 50: The One with the Uncontrollable Rage

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And the cracks begin to show...

"Harry! Think about what you're about to do. Zayn is your friend, one of your best friends, I don't want you to be making a big mistake. You should just stop for a moment and breathe. Are you listening to me?" Louis panics, but all I can think about is the fact that I want to kick Zayn's ass for ever putting his hands on my girl.

"I warned you about this, Zayn. I told you that we could be friends, build our friendship back up and we did, but you just had to go and ruin it all with your filthy hands that can't seem to keep off of other people's women." He gets up from the floor, using the wall as balance as he takes deep breaths.

As I take steps closer to Zayn, he's mirroring my movements and backing away; out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He puts his hands up defenselessly, surrendering to the angry man with dark eyes and a dark cloud that's invading his mind.

His eyes held an emotion that I haven't seen in a while when it came to Zayn - horror. He tried to create as much space between us as possible, but that idea was put to rest once his back hit the wall, "I can't believe you would do this to me, Zayn. Thought we were friends, but you just had to go and kiss her. Didn't you?"

"I wasn't thinking straight, j-just like you right now. You're not thinking," His chest rose and fell in a quickened pace, "I know you're angry, but we can talk this out. It was a one time thing and it's never going to happen again. Just stop and think about what you're doing for a second, would you."

"Of course it's never going to happen again, because I'm not going to let it." I began to roll my sleeves up to my elbows, my fists tightening as my blood began to boil even more. Fury and pure anger shooting through me like a shot of gin, "And I'm going to make sure you think before you try and touch her again."

With that, I jump forward and tightly wrap my hands around his neck."Harry, for fuck sakes! Stop this right now!" Louis shouts, yanking on my arm, but I only push him away and he runs out of the room to get help, "Liam, Niall, come up here real quick. Harry's gone mad and I can't stop him!"

My breathing was irrational as I remain silent for a fraction of a second, my fist swinging back to build strength before it collided with his jaw, lips curving into a malicious smirk as I provide a second and third hit to the same spot which causes his skin to split open across his jaw.

"Harry, stop!" Zayn shouts, trying to grip the collar of my shirt, "Look at you, look at what you're doing right now!" The knuckles of my fist slam into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him as he falls to his knees. I throw one leg over his fallen body and grip the back of his shirt, turning him onto his back as I grab a fistful of his shirt again, "Look at yourself!"

In this exact moment, I didn't know what I was doing. My mind was dark and completely blind to what was being done; I couldn't stop myself anymore, it was too late to stop the dark from consuming the good in me.

"I can't!" I screamed, looking straight into his eyes in that exact moment and giving another blow to the other side of his face. His body was now limo, refusing the fight back as I grab his collar and lift him again, "Fuck you for making me do this to you, you did this!"

I throw a punch after punch, my knuckles' skin splitting open from each time my fist had made contact in every hit. In a swift movement, I use the last of my strength to lift him and push him against a while, holding him there with my elbow pressed into him.

He was barely obvious conscious at this time, but that didn't stop me. My hand pulls back for the thirtieth time but it was quickly pulled back by Liam once they rush past the doorway, Niall and him holding me back as they watch Zayn fall to the floor. I lean back, my breathing out of control as I watch Zayn struggle to move a single finger, "So you learn!"

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