File 54: The One with the Annihilation

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The elevator stopped once it reached the top floor and I immediately crouched before the doors could open. I was aware of the many explosions that had happened up here and I knew there would be fire and smoke, I had to keep my face covered. With that, I shrug out of the plaid I wore over my shirt and tied it around my face; covering my nose and mouth.

"Louis! Zayn!" I called out, skimming the wall as I moved along the hall, both hands gripping the pistol as my SMG dangles at my lower back. I shout their names again, hoping for a response, but there was nothing. The wood flooring cracks along with the burning fire and I do my best to avoid the flames and maneuver around them.

I kept my gun at the level of my eyes with my finger settling slightly off the side the trigger to avoid unintentional accidents. I then spot groups of men at the end of the hall and I quickly turn into one of the apartments, silently closing the door behind me so I wouldn't draw attention.

My breathing is heavy as thoughts rush through my mind; I didn't ignore the fact that they looked to be waiting for something, for someone, and that could be me.

Scratch that, it is me that they're waiting for.

I cursed beneath my breath, turning to lock the door before my eyes fell upon the room I was in. As if it were a coincidence, it was the room the boys had set up in and my heart thumped faster at the messy sight. Broken glass is spread across the floors, furniture was out of place and bullet holes were put into anything you can see.

I stepped back in shock, they definitely did not go down without a fight. "Louis? Zayn?" I called out again, but a little quieter this time, there was a chance that they could still be in here. Slowly, I stepped over deceased bodies and made note to call these in to the station when we're done here, but focused on the reason why I was up here.

"Zayn?" My voice was more of a hushed tone now, "Louis? Where are you?" I peeked behind couches and kept calling their names in hope that someone would respond; I just needed to know that they're okay, I need to know that they're alive.

Suddenly, my phone rings and Lima Bean flashes across the screen and I remember that Niall had given me his phone instead of me using mine to avoid unwanted listeners. "Hello?" I answered, continuing to walk around the room.

"Hey, baby." I smiled at the sound of Ariana's voice, "Find anything yet?" She asked.

"Not a thing... I'm freaking out over here." I slide the dining table aside, but find nothing again, "Did that asshole fall for it?" I smirk.

"He fucking fell hard and hopefully right on his sorry ass." She spoke aggressively and I laughed, setting my gun right onto the table, "You're not a bad actor, those tears seemed real, you should give it a real go sometime."

"Good, he should be on his way up then." I nod, looking out the large window, "I could say the same about you, how did you learn to cry like that? Almost believed you for a second... But acting was never my thing, but you were a thousand times better than me."

"I was, wasn't I? And I'm pretty sure everyone knows that I am." She says smugly and I rolled my eyes, "Anyway... Liam and Niall are headed to the roof in the building across from you. You need to lure the enemies into Josie's apartment, our boys are equipped with snipers, please take advantage of that."

"Mhm, I'm already in here. But you, what will you be doing?" I leave the table's side and move into one of the bedrooms, looking around carefully.

"I'm finding a safe place to park the van, so we don't have to worry about Ethan. And then I'll be right there with you," I hear her yell at Ethan for freaking out, basically tell him to grow a pair and stop acting like a baby and once again, I am reminded on how much I love her.

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