File 7: The One with the Difficult Catch

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Ariana never came out of the bathroom that night, both of us ended up sleeping against either side of the door. She didn't want to come out, she refused to, but what stopped her? The next morning I was in a deep slumber, but of course, it had been interrupted when the bathroom door opened and my back made contact with tiled floor. I peek through an open eye, finding myself staring at nothing but the ceiling. I raise my hand to put a barricade between the bright light and I, but soon Ariana steps into my eye sight, looking down at me with tired eyes.

"Morning." I smile with a wide set of teeth, and she just steps over my fallen form. "Sleep well?" She says nothing, she just glares at me with her arms crossed. "Well, if you weren't being so stubborn, we could've slept in a nice, comfy and warm bed."

"Piss off, Styles." She rolls her mocha hues, taking a seat at the edge of her bed with folded arms while staring at the ground. The rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds, shining upon her pouted features. She really looked beautiful, as always of course. "What!" She yells, her palms falling onto her thighs, running her fingers through her long curls in a sign of frustration.

"Someone's feisty this morning," I raised a hand, curling fingers in a claw-like position, resembling a lion's. "We both look like we could use some sleep, how about we take a few more hours of it, Miller will understand. Besides, we're only training today."

"You're annoying." She quickly adds without hesitation and I smile proudly with my chest pushed out. "Fine."

"I knew you'd take up the deal." I walk round the front of the bed, pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it onto the floor, I then begin to unbuckle my belt but was stopped instantly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ariana says with a wide set of eyes while pulling PJs out from her suitcase.

"I'm going commando, it's how I sleep." I say, my lips curling into a malicious smile. "Is that a problem, Miss?" I continue to fumble with my belt before yanking it from the loops of my jeans, stepping out of the material moments after.

"Uh, yes!" She yells before disappearing into the bathroom once again, "You better be wearing some type of clothing when I get out there, you sick bastard."

"No promises," I smile cheekily, snapping the waistband of my boxers against my waist before sliding in and beneath the covers. "I'm not wearing, anything!" So, I decided to mess with her a little bit - haha.

"Oh my god," She appears at the doorway, wearing PJs - may I add, that they complimented her frame so well. - Anyway, she stares at me with wide eyes before resting both of her small hands upon her eyes. "Dear god, get this lunatic out of here. With clothes."

I leaned my back against the headboard, my hands resting beneath my head, the biggest grin speaks across my features. My torso exposed to her eyes, but the soft, warm duvet covering from the waist down. "Why don't you find out if I'm telling the truth, or not."

"You're sick." She peeks through parted fingers, her smile coming out of hiding along with a pair of dimples. God, she's... "Though, I really need my sleep, I'm willing to risk myself." She makes her way around the front of the bed and to my side, her fingers grasping onto the corner of the sheets and lifting it. "LIAR."

"I can't believe you fell for that," I laugh, she then fists a great amount of my curls, lifting my head and slamming it against the headboard, causing a great thump. My fingers clutched at the unruly curls, "Ow..."

"You deserved that." She shrugs out of her sweater, exposing shoulders which caught my attention. "I can't believe they wouldn't get us separate hotel rooms." She says dully before lazily climbing over my relaxed form, curling up near the headboard with her knees pressed to her chest.

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