File 10: The One with the Trap

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My head was throbbing, I attempted to raise fingers to rub my temples but failed miserably. My wrists have been bounded, tied down to the arms of a chair. My eyes then flutter open for the first time since I've awoken, staring at nothing. Where was I? I couldn't move, nor I couldn't even see anything.

"Now is the time to beg for mercy, sweetheart." A deep voice fills the room. The man then tightens the ropes that tied my wrists and ankles to the chair, my blindfold following right after. I then realize that I have been captured. When I opened that door back at the hotel, I immediately blacked out; this was the outcome.

"I will never beg for mercy!" I spat. I stare into the dark fabric that belonged to the blindfold, depending on my hearing to keep me alive. I'm then caught off guard when his fist meets my jaw, my head whipping the other way to take in the pain. "What a gentleman you are for hitting a woman like me."

He stays silent for a moment, a deep throated chuckle echoing in this room and causing an unpleasant shiver to run down my spine. "Your little boyfriend happened to kill many of my men, and that doesn't make me too happy."

"Your men?" I question, brows furrowing in confusion, then it suddenly clicks. "You're Michael."

"You sure are slow at this, how are you one of the world's most best and brightest agent?" He questions, my brow raises in a questioning manner. "I may have took a look at your file, so sue me." I hear the legs of another chair scratch across cemented floors, placed right in front of me. "I have a proposition for you, Miss. Grande. I've heard a lot about you, and I know how much you enjoy your freedom."

"Where is this conversation heading?" I interrupt bluntly, struggling beneath knotted ropes. "If it isn't going to get anywhere in the next five seconds, I have no fucking interest."

"Then how about you shut your trap, so I can explain what the proposal is." He retorts and I sigh in defeat, "I'll give you your freedom, but, only in exchange for your partner. Mr. Styles, right? Well, I do not like how he slaughtered half of my men, and I want my revenge."

"Just kill me now then," I don't even hesitate to speak, somehow, I felt defensive over the boy. I didn't want to see him get hurt, how would I be able to shamelessly hand him over? Now that's a mission impossible. "I wouldn't let you hurt him for anything in the world."

"So you have some feelings towards him now? That's quite surprising," He says, pushing himself up and off of his chair.

"We have a bit of a history..." I say it slowly, thinking many other things whilst. "but that's none of your business."

"How about we give him a call to ask him ourselves then, Hm?" He then reads through the contact list on my phone, soon coming across Harry's name. "Ah, here we are." He presses the call button and quickly puts it on speaker, the sound of ringing filling the room.

"Oh my god," His voice booms through the speaker, the sound then turns into a bit of a struggle. "Grande, thank god, where are you?" He asks and as soon as I was about to speak, tape is placed onto my mouth.

"Hello, Styles." Michael says and the other line falls silent for a moment, muffled words try to make their way passed the tape, but that doesn't work out. "I'm guessing we have something that's very valuable to you."

"Don't you fucking touch her, or I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands." He threatens, "I'm not fucking kidding, you let her go right now, and no war will be inclined."

"I'm afraid that your request will have to be denied, considering that we've already touched her." He chuckles, raising his hand to brush his finger along my cheek. I then shriek and turn my head the opposite way, "she's quite the screamer, actually."

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