File 21: The One with the Dark Dreams

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The wind blew through unruly curly which causes them to fly out of place, but my hand quickly reacts and brushes them back into their proper states. My brows pitch together in distraught once I realize where I was standing, in the middle of Zayn's porch and only inches away from the door. My head whipper from side to side as parted lips drew out a long, exaggerated sigh, studying my surroundings since everything felt so strange, maybe a little too strange.

My gaze averted from my surroundings and focused on the door placed right in front of me, I suddenly felt the need to knock but was I supposed to? I lifted a foot and pushed forward, pulling myself closer to it and slowly raising a fist and before I know it, I'm knocking. It takes me a moment to register what had just happened but before it's fully processed, the door swings open and reveals a very smiley, yet annoyed Zayn with a sheet tied around his waist. I reach around my head and itch the back of my neck awkwardly, he clears his throat and mirrors the action in a way to signal me to explain my visit but I didn't even understand it myself. I open my mouth to say something but it closes immediately when arms wrap around his torso from behind, giggles being heard.

"Zayn," No fucking way. "The bed is lonely without you and I got cold," Ariana speaks, making her way to Zayn's side and completely ignoring my existence. She wraps her arms around his waist and leans on her tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his lips, he smiles and returns it, "I love you." She coos.

Before he can even say it back, I'm interrupting with my curiosity, "What the fuck is this..?" I didn't mean to say it out loud, but it happened and I don't give a fuck at the moment. They break away from their kiss and return to reality, "You and Ariana," I struggled to get those words out in a calm voice but it came out more as shock. I turn to Grande, pointing a finger in her direction, jaw dropped. "You and Zayn?" I am completely puzzled, and angry might I add, but this doesn't even make sense at all. "When did— how— Why did this happen? How?" My tone has fell to sound monotonous and I know my eyes have grown cold by the looks in their faces, "Am I being punked? Ashton Fucking Kutcher can come out now if I am being punked." I spin on the heels of my feet to announce it to the whole world before turning back to face them.

"What are you talking about, Harry? We've always been together... Did you happen to hit your head, are you feeling alright?" Worry seeped into his words, Ariana runs her small palm along the inside of his arm and quickly entwines their fingers, "Do you want to come inside? We can get you some—," I raise a hand once he offers the option, brows pushed together in a mix of confusion, worry and frustration, sexual frustration.

My fists clench due to the look he's giving her, his bottom lip tucked between blunt teeth and his eyes full of lust and fucking desire, "No." I say and quickly turn and descend down the steps with my head in my hands, the door then shuts and a muffled squeal is head along with laughter. I find myself back on his porch, but this time I'm staring through the windows, eager to come across something that isn't meant to be seen by anyone but them. Something to spike up my anger and encourage me to beat the living shit our of him.

That's when I seen it, seen them. She was on her couch, giving herself to him as they practically swallowed each other in a feverish kiss. My chest rose and fell as my breathing quickened with rage, jaw clenching to keep myself from saying anything. It was him, it was never me because she wants him. I tug at the ends of my curls as I stomp down the steps and by the end of it, I've fallen onto my knees and I don't think I'll be getting up anytime soon.

As if it were scripted, the thunder rumbles and rain falls from the clouds precipitated above me, the rain drops gradually picking up it's speed and heaviness; but I stay still. My fists ball up on my sides and my brows knit together in raging anger as I stared ahead but tears threatened to break free. I never saw this coming, I never knew Grande would stoop herself so low and give herself to someone else.

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