File 26: The One with the Suspicious Privacy

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- Styles -



"What?" I don't think I've heard them right. If I did, they must be fucking joking with me. "Louis? You're telling me that they took Louis, as in gone, kidnapped, abducted, held for ransom, seized, snatched,..gone? There's no way in hell that that's even possible, you all would've stopped it in time." I say and they look away, avoiding the chance to make eye-contact with me. Next thing, I'm burning with anger, "What the fuck is wrong with all of you?" I'm shoving at Malik's chest as I spoke, "First it takes almost two months to find us and now you let Rick and his bitches get his fucking hands on one of our men?" It didn't take me long to notice how I had sped across the room, gripped Malik's collar and slammed his back onto the nearest wall, teeth tightly gritted.

Niall gets up and puts an attempt in getting me away from Zayn, but I am much too strong for him, "We tried to stop him, Harry, I swear, we fucking swear!" My fists tighten around the collar of Malik's shirt, "He nearly killed all of us. Tomlinson was hit and they threatened to kill all of us if we tried to do anything to stop them. If he killed all of us and took Louis, who would be the ones to save him? Just let him go, we'll give you all the information we know," His voice softens by the end and so does my grip, "Everything, Styles, I promise." He urges and I nod, releasing Zayn.

"We were looking for you, I swear we were but we ran into our troubles along the way." Liam speaks up and I tug at my hair while pacing up and down the floor in the room, "We all fought for our damn lives, there was no way in hell that we'd give up but then they had Louis, held up at gun-point and we had no choice but to surrender as well. The thing is, they only took Louis and not us," He finishes.

"It's like he knew how important Louis was to you, he was determined to take him with them." Niall adds.

"He's angry," Ariana says, taking a seat onto the couch and resting her chin onto her fists, "Rick's mad that we got out and now he's trying avenge us, so he took Louis and knew that we'd go back to save him. He knows what he's fucking doing Harry, he knows." She sighs, "I still don't know how he found out about Louis though, it could be any of you guys that were Harry's best friend and yet he still knew it was Louis. Perhaps someone was watching, perhaps they still are," She bows her head forward and pulls at her hair, letting out a deep and long breath.

"How the fuck are we supposed to know if he's still alive?!"I slam my fists onto the coffee table, the wood-splitting sound causing everyone to flinch.

"We don't!" Says Zayn.

"He could be fucking dead. You could of done something to stop it, I know you all more than anything and I know what you're capable of." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"We couldn't." Liam says, leaning his elbows onto his knees.

"Yes, you fucking could have! Don't you fucking start making excuses up, I know you guys could've done something about it. But—"

"We didn't." Niall finishes for me.

"Exactly." I snapped, "I'm disappointed in all of you, I expected much more from you guys." I run a hand through my hair and lower myself onto the seat next to Ariana. She wraps an arm around my shoulder and rubs my arm to give me comfort; it was sort of, relaxing.

"What do you want us to do?" Zayn asks, hesitation clear in the tone of his voice and I was pleased to be the one in charge again, it was great.

I pressed my lips into a line before rising to my feet once again, crossing my arms over my chest and shifting my weight onto one foot, "I'll tell you what we're going to do," I start.

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