File 16: The One with the Unexpected After Party

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I stumbled out of the taxi with a giggling Grade right behind me, boy were we wasted. My hands fumbled with my wallet before finding the ability to pull out a couple of euros, handing it to the cab driver. I nod in appreciation and the man returns a smile; I shut the door after me and the car slowly pulls onto the road.

I turn to find Ariana tiredly say amongst the steps, leaning her head against the rails and mumbling nonsense to make herself laugh. I chuckle and her gaze shifts towards me, staring up at me while blinking her dark lashes innocently. See, these are the things that drive me insane and she fucking knows it too. I put an attempt in shrugging her off and starting up the steps, but in seconds, arms are tightly wrapped around my leg to prevent me from walking further. I peer over my shoulder to find her latched onto my leg, grinning like a fool. "Hey, you," It took everything inside of me to keep myself from laughing. "What do you think you're doing?" Her shoulder roll into a shrug, her dimples becoming prominent in the light provided by the starts and moon. I pull my leg out of her grasp and descend a few steps, taking the empty spot beside her. "Aren't you cold?" I asked.

"No," She replies, hugging her knees to her chest and she slowly leans her head against my shoulders, starring up at the sky in awe. The sky has surprisingly cleared up from the rain and let me say that the stars shined like they haven't before, it was absolutely gorgeous. But the thing I had interest in most was the way the star's light reflected off of Ariana's eyes, that sparkle in her eyes becoming more mesmerizing than before. She must have sensed my intensive starring since she turned her attention back to me, looking me straight in the eyes. "You have pretty eyes." She bursts into fits of giggles.

"What?" Says me. I was caught off-guard and she was nearly laughing by mid-sentence. She hums before leaning even closer, burying her face into the crook of my neck. "You heard me, mister." She whispers. The tip of her nose ghosts against the skin of my neck and I can picture that smile on her face.

"Yes, but I didn't hear you clearly." I sling an arm around her shoulders in a bold, yet comfortable move. I pull her closer, resting my chin on top of her head, "Maybe you should say it again." She sighs in defeat, a smile spreading across my lips in victory.

"I said," She pauses to swallow thickly and taking a deep breath before speaking, "I said that you have pretty eyes. They're a color that I'm pretty sure that I haven't seen before." She shrugs, pressing her lips into a hard line. I break into a loud fit of laughter and pull back to get a good look at her, her arms crossed with furrow brows. "Wha... Why are you laughing at me? What's so funny?" She smacks me on the chest with the back of her hand, plush lips forming a pout. In that moment, I feel as if my ability to breath was no longer there. She just looked so beautiful, it sounds cliche, but it's true.

"Kiss her." That voice in my head spoke, telling me to do what was right. And right now, the only right thing to do was to kiss her.

I slowly leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her soft, luscious lips. I pull an inch away, starring deep into her mocha irises, she does the same in return, but looked as if she were conflicted in her mind. Her brows are knitted together, puzzled, but then she then takes a deep breath. She rests her small hand upon my jaw, caressing it, and slowly leans in to capture my thin tiers with the plushness of her lips. My eyes slowly shut to take in the moment, our lips moving in perfect sync; I boldly run my tongue along her barrier as if I were pleasing for entrance.

In a brief moment, her lips part slightly in a way to grant permission to my request. Our tongues are in search for each other's until we finally meet, gracefully colliding in a slow kiss full of passion and desire. My heart rate began to quicken and my stomach felt queazy, and it made me wonder if I was the only one to feel this way.

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