File 18: The One with the Silence

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- Grande -



My heart jumps once the door slams shut, the lights quickly being flicked on from the other side of the wall so they were able to keep a watchful eye on us. I take in a deep breath before my eyes darted over to Harry, his brows were knitted together and proved that he was currently in thought - but about what?

His tongue slowly slid across his bottom lip, pressing his lips into a line and finally deciding to take a single look at me, he seemed bewildered by his own thoughts and it made me wonder what he had been thinking about. He blinks rapidly and quickly aborts, looking to the door and calling for the guard to be escorted to the washroom; that's the only thing we're allowed to leave the room for. A man storms in, switching Harry from chains to a simple set of cuffs, Styles' head hung forward as he followed the guard out the door; not taking a second look at me.

I nibble on my bottom lip as I thought, he seemed as if he just realized something and by the looks of it, it wasn't a good something. I leaned my head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling; I must've said something, what if he's remembering shit and keeping me unaware of it all? What if he found out about... No, he couldn't, it's not that easy for him to figure out things - maybe I'm just over exaggerating, he's probably fine and is thinking about leaving the water running back at his house, I have nothing to worry about..

When Harry returns, the guard replaces the cuffs with chains once again, grumbling nonsense as he walked back out of the room to stand guard. Harry still hasn't bother to speak nor look at me ever since he got back and it's starting to scare me; I was dying to know what he was thinking in that crazy mind of his. My mouth acted before I could even think to stop it, "Say something," I instantly regret it when he looks at me with those dark, green eyes of his; hurt and anger being displayed behind it all. "Okay.... Don't say anything," I turned my head the opposite way to avoid his tense stare, but I was affected by the feeling of his eyes burning into my skin.

"I have nothing to say," He lies, wetting his lips and leaning his back against the poorly painted walls, "I actually have quite a few things to say, but I don't really understand them myself." He crosses his arms over his chest, letting out a breath before speaking once again, "Would you care to tell me a few things, Grande? And don't you dare try to get out of this one I swear to..." He bites on the inside of his cheek, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I remember the small fucking things, but I still can't figure it all out." He frustratingly runs his hand through his hair, tugging at the unruly curls.

I knew where he was going with this and I didn't like the route the two of us were taking, I shifted uncomfortably and hoped that he'd change his mind, but as expected, he stood his ground. "I can't," I shook my head from side to side, refusing to tell it all, he then opened his mouth to speak but I raised my hand to prevent that from happening, "I just can't, I told you that i'd tell you soon and it isn't soon. I will not confess, even if you get on your knees to beg." I added.

He sighed in defeat and nodded in response, clearly noting that he won't be able to get me to talk. He parts his lips and withdraws a breath, "I get it, but Ariana, can you please tell me what they did to you?" The emotions in his eyes are obvious, he's truly concerned and wants to know, but I don't think it's that important for him to acknowledge my experience, "I need you to tell me, what were you forced to go thro..."

"It's in the past, Harry!" I spat, cutting him off so he couldn't go on further, "Let's not revisit it, plus I do not want to walk about, not now - not ever." My voice unexpectedly rose by the middle of the sentence, the horrid memories that flashed through my mind is the cause of it, wincing at the things I was forced to like or do. He notices my strange movement and looks down to his hands that lied in his lip, observing that cuffs wrapped around his wrists that led to chains bolted into the wall; thinking of a way to get out of them, "Don't even try, Harold, it's no fucking use. We'll be stuck in here for years, suffering, and the agency will be too late by the time they fucking get here." I lay down on my side, my back facing in his direction, staring blankly at the wall. I used my arms to pillow my head, a tear breaking free before I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself to fall into a deep slumber.

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