File 38: The One with the Truth Being Told

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"Lou, where did you say you wanted this?" I asked, hoisting a box up and into my arms. He puts his bowl down and licked his fingers, asking me to follow him with the flick of his wrist.

The four of us left a week earlier than we had planned and flew to doncaster to be with Louis before every one else would come. I was surprised Harry had agreed to leave without the company of Miss Grande, because lately, they had been inseparable - it's sickening.

I've tried to convince myself that I was no longer into her, but that plan failed the moment I saw her smiling the next morning. She absolutely gorgeous with those eyes and those lips that I wish to kiss so much, but they don't belong to me; they belong to him.

"Zayn," Louis snaps in front of my face, grabbing my attention, "There you are, I've told you to put the box over there like a thousand times." I blink rapidly, clearing my throat before shuffling over to the corner and lowering the heavy box onto the floor.

"My bad, Lou." I take the hat off of my head, push my hair back and tuck it back under the snapback, "I sort of zoned out for a second."

"I can see that." He stares at me and for a moment, I feel as if he's reading my mind with the look he was just giving me, "Okay, hot stuff. Go back to the kitchen and get the other boxes, put them in the same place."

"And what are you doing?" I ask him, rolling my sleeves up while I followed him down the hallway.

"I'm supervising." He turns to look at me over his shoulder and winks, "You do that while I supervise from my bed, asleep." He waves a hand and starts up the staircase, mumbling mindlessly.

"I'm not even going to ask," I shout back, continuing down the hall and entering the kitchen.

"Smart boy!" Louis screams back from the top of the stairs and I laugh, closing one of the boxes and lifting it.

It takes a few trips, walking back and forth from the kitchen and to the living room, stacking boxes. Once I place the last one on top, I wipe the sweat from my forehead and throw myself onto the couch. Deciding to take a nap, I lean my head back and stare up at the ceiling with a blank expression.

Just as my eyes were closing, Harry walks into the room, his eyes glued to his phone. I cough to let him know of my presence and he comes to a stop, looks over to me, thinking for a quick second before deciding to sit down right beside me.

The room is quiet, neither of us saying a word and I felt slightly uneasy. There was tension and I was uncomfortable with the fact that I had no idea if he hated me or not.

I take brief glances to him, but he doesn't acknowledge them. As if he was reading my mind, he turns his head in my direction and smiles at me, sliding his phone into his back pocket while lifting his body from the couch.

"I've been thinking," He says, leaning back into the chair as he continued to smile at me, "I think I've been mad at you long enough, right?"

"Right." I smile in return, taking my hat off and tossing it onto the coffee table right in front of us, "Too long."

"You think so? Maybe I should go even longer," He chuckles, stroking his chin and realizing that he was needing to shave the light stubble along his jaw.

"Oh god, no. I'll die," I turn my body to face him and he laughs, "Come on, boss, what am I without you?"

"A sex god." He replies, grinning widely and I laugh, hard, throwing my head back and letting it all out, "I'm serious, how does anyone look like you do?"

"Look like what? Should I be offended? I feel like I should be," I run a hand through my hair, pushing it back.

"Oh fuck, do that again." Harry bites his lip playfully before cracking another smile, "That was so hot."

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