File 56: The One with the Consolences

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A little filler. Hello, babes. I realized that two years have passed since my last update. I suck, I know. Here's my attempt at trying to finish it. This is a filler in the meantime, see how our baby is doing. Love you all, even to my new readers! A little trigger warning and time jump warning ahead. Enjoy...


My fingers trailed along the railing while I paced up the steps and listened to the voices that carried throughout the halls. The true benevolence to help him heal was etched into my heart, mind, and soul. The want to support and guide him back to his true self was obstinate; quitting will never be an option.

When I got to the top, my body froze once tired eyes landed on the two boys standing in the bedroom doorway. They both looked my way with sympathetic expressions and my pouted lips released a long, heavy sigh. My shoulders drop in disappointment and I slowly approach them with no intention of speaking, but it happens anyway.

"I can't let you go in there by yourself. Not after what happened." Liam said, lowering his head so our eyes would meet. "I know you don't want to hear it, but he's dangerous right now. It's better if he's left alone in there." He places his hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture and I shook my head.

"Leaving him alone in a time where all he feels is nothing is the worse possible thing to be doing. Right now, he needs us. Harry needs me. I need to be there for him, even if he won't notice." I shook my head again, "I don't care if he's dangerous, I really don't. What I actually care about is the fact that we can lose him forever. I can't bare with that. So yes, I'm going in there and you're not going to stop me."

I take a step forward and Liam moves to stand in front of me. "And might I remind you that getting in the way of a determined and stubborn Ariana Grande will only leave you on your ass. Let's not start forgetting what I'm capable of Agent Payne." I smile innocently and pat the side of his face before pushing him aside, "Thank you for understanding." I remark sarcastically and start towards the bathroom door.

I stop in front of the closed barrier with an expression full of crazed emotions for a moment and I bring my arms around myself. I shook with an amount of fear before leaning forth and pressing my ear to the door. There was nothing but the sound of running water and I then turn my head slightly to lean my forehead against the door. With my palm gently touching the knob, my heart aches with the thought of him alone and scared in the dark, thinking that he was forsakenly going to go through this.

I draw in a deep breath and turn the knob, pushing the door open until it was enough room for me to squeeze through. I shut it quietly and find myself to be inherited by complete darkness, there wasn't a single light on. With a finger, I switch the closest one on and my eyes instantly land on the slumped figure sitting in the tub with his arms wrapped around his knees. He held them to his chest as he blankly stared at nothing, his lips slightly parted as he let out heavy and shallow breaths.

The sight alone was heartbreaking and I didn't waste any time. Slowly, I approached the side of the tub and push the sliding door open a little more. My heart pounded against my chest once I realized his eyes were following the wheels as it dragged along the metal tracks and traced up the edge of the door until brown eyes were discovered by green ones. The look on his face was one I will never forget, he seemed relieved to see me and his chest fell almost instantly as if there was a weight that was lifted from it.

I tilted my head slightly and stared at him with plenary compassion before climbing into the tub completely clothed. I sit on the edge of the tub behind him with my legs on either side of his shoulders and he, surprisingly, reacts by leaning into me without hesitation. My arm then wraps around his neck in a loose manner and I comb dainty fingers through his wet hair before leaning forward to press a lingering kiss to his head.

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