File 15: The One with the Birthday Bash

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I have been walking around in the rain for hours now and my thoughts seem to distract me from the fact that I'm soaking wet. I thought about Ariana and her only; I'm still confused about her sudden twist in behavior, it was strange. One moment we were happily kissing and in the other, she was throwing insults at me. Fuck, why does she have to be so complicated?

I've realized that Grande hadn't been the only one who's had a change in behavior, so have I. Suddenly, I want her to be near me all the time, I want to kiss her whenever I take one look at her, and I loath the bond her and Zayn share with one another. It's clear that Malik and Grande have something that her and I don't at all, and I know I'm not wrong there. I wish her and I could be that way sometimes, but that's impossible. Ariana also happens to be keeping something from me, and whenever she is seconds away from confessing, some idiot decides to come in as a distraction - and it always seemed to be Louis, Zayn, Niall or Liam. Let's just say that they have the worst timing ever, but when it comes to work, they have the best time ever; it's a complicated win-lose situation.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rings, my hands automatically reacting and work to retrieve it from my pocket. Louis' name appears amongst the device, the pad of my thumb sliding across the screen to answer it, "Hello Louis, how may I help you?" How monotonous of me.

"Yeah, he's alive." I hear him speak to the others and they all laugh in response, but there was one laugh that oddly caught my attention, "we were worried, mate. You weren't answering any of our phone calls, well until now." He sighs and I take a moment to lean against a wall beneath a hood hanging on the side of a building, "Well, you shouldn't be worrying." I found myself listening for that voice again in the background, I swear that the laugh belonged to Ariana. I haven't heard it a lot, it was unfamiliar, but familiar. "Where exactly are you?" My curiosity grew, I had to know. "Grande left me stranded at the training burial and I've been walking in the rain for hours..." Suddenly I don't feel well.

"You alright, mate? You sound a bit..." He trailed off and the voices suddenly stop in the back, obviously listening in to our conversation. "Have you been drinking?" He was hesitant, but I stay quiet and decide not to reply to that one, he sighs dramatically. "We're all at Zayn's place, I think it would be better if you came over, because..."

"Who's there?" I push his invitation to the side for a moment and wait for an answer, I need to know who was there before I can even consider it. "If the bitch is there then I'm not interested. She took my fucking car, I don't even have a ride to get there, wait..." I reach into my pocket in search for my wallet, but nothing was there. No she fucking didn't, "And my wallet, she took my fucking wallet to, I've about had it - this woman won't give me a break."

"The guys are here..." He's distracted by something due to the hushed voices in the background, he agrees to someone's words. Just then, a loud crash is heard and a few prudish screams follow, "What the fuck, Niall? Why the fuck - Harry, just get your arse over here, see you in a few."


I lazily stomped up the steps that lead to the front door, knocking anxiously. "Any longer now!" I shout and the door swings open, finding Zayn on the other side of it. I froze in my spot and he just stared as if he were conflicted in his mind; he then smiles and steps aside, welcoming me. I suddenly felt guilty about kicking him out of my house the other day, it reminded me that I haven't apologized. "Listen..." he raises a hand, signaling for me to stop talking.

"I know what you're going to say, but let me tell you this first, I get it." He nods his head, shutting the door behind me. "So don't worry about it, you had a reason to act that way." My brows knit together in confusion, "I do get it... When her and I first saw each other, you didn't like how it looked, so you got angry. And when you found is in the music room alone, that pushed you over the top." I had forgotten how completely understanding this man was, it's like he reads into you.

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