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They all talked about him, whispers, giggles, smirks as he strides down the hall for his classroom, girls were signing up for his class left and right, she didn't know what was so special about this new teacher. That was until she walked into his classroom.

He was leaning over, writing something as the seats filled. Girls mostly.

He was hot. Yes. But he wasn't special, all these girls were dumb like he would ever notice any of them. She found it amusing.

" Look at his neck tattoos." A girl whispered as she took her seat. She glanced up at him and saw a few tattoos on his neck, most of them looked to be covered by the turtle neck. He wore a black turtle neck with black jeans and a gold chain around his neck. Hair black and silky.

She turned around in her seat and smirked at her best friend Deja. " I didn't know you liked home ec ?" She asked. Deja hated cooking.

"I have a free period this period so why not." She shrugged. " you're here to see the new specimen in school." I glanced back at him.

" maybe, have you seen him, and I heard he is Italian." She smirked. The glass went quiet. Raven turned back around in her seat and he had moved to the front of his desk. Leaning against it and looking at everyone.

"You all seem excited, do you like cooking that much?" He flashed a grin and girls were swooning and giggling. "Well, as you all know, home ec isn't easy so there is a simple test to be officially admitted in."

Most girls looked like they were lost in a daze.
" But first let me introduce myself."

" you can call me Mr. Mariano, and before we get started you may ask questions."

Girls hands immediately went up. " yes?" He pointed to the back. " where are you from?"
" Italy." He smiled, " how old are you?"
" I don't think that's something teachers share with their students." He chuckled softly and girls were fanning themselves.

These girls weren't asking real questions so Raven decided to ask one. " yes?" He pointed to her. " what's your favorite thing to cook?" He seemed impressed, maybe he thought she was another one of these girls who fell for him the second they saw him.

" Ossobuco alla Milanese." He said in a silky accent.
" now, your test for getting in this class is to make your favorite homemade dish." He said.

Raven got home that day and told her baby brother all about the new teacher. How girls hovered over him, basically would go brain dead when they saw him. He just giggled and babbled as she changed his diaper.

" for a 2 month old you are a great listener." She carried him to the kitchen, heating up his bottle when her mother came through the door.

" thank you for watching him while I got more of his rash cream." She set her thing down and took her newborn out her oldest daughter's hand. " how was school?"

Raven began grabbing her ingredients for her dish for class. " we have a new home ec teacher, I've been out of home ec class because of the last teacher quitting but, now everyone is all over this new teacher." She scoffed. " well is he hot?"

" mom!" Her mother slowly backed away with a laugh. " what are you making?"
"Pozole." Her mother smiled. Her father taught her to cook, he had always been proud of her and her dishes. " Are you..."
" yes i'll leave some for dinner."

Her mother came up to her kissing her head. "my perfect girl." She caressed her cheek before heading upstairs.

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