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" I did the fucking assignment," Raven said to her art teacher. They always had problems. "Your painting is inappropriate." She said back. " I don't see what's wrong with it."

" it's a woman stepping on a man's penis with heels." She spat. " Yes, and the assignment was to paint something that describes a problem in today's society," Raven argued more.

"it represents feminism, women are always looked down upon because of men who think with their dicks, so she's steeping on it with her heel." The class watched in shock. " Are you not a feminist Ms. Tristan?"

" Detention. After school." She quickly handed her a slip. " Good." She snatched the paper out of her hand. " And I will be calling your mother."

" Go ahead, she'll decline anyway." She smirked. "Your father won't." Her father didn't play like that, he hated when teachers were calling his phone because of something Raven did.

She cursed to herself as she walked out of the room.

She headed to the main office. " Detention again Ms. Davis?" Amanda at the front desk asked. " I did nothing wrong." She stood her ground. " Ms. Tristan hates women that's all."

" This is a hate crime, I demand to talk to the board about this." She slammed her hand down. " Ms. Davis." She heard a voice behind her and he stood there arms crossed. " Mr. M so good to see you, do you know what they did to me?"

" Your detention is with Mr. Mariano Ms. Davis." She cursed to herself as he opened the door. " I'm dropping out." She walked out. " I highly doubt that." She turned around to him.

" I can do a lot of things when I have the right motivation." She rose her brow. " Ms. Tristan hates women, in today's society how dare she not be a feminist." Raven scoffed as she walked into his classroom.

" Are you a feminist Mr. M?" She sat at a table as he sat down at his desk. " Yes." He answered. " no wonder all these girls are all over you."

" do you have any homework?" He asked. She shook her head. " finished it all in study hall."
" then what can I do to keep you quiet?" He hummed. She gulped and watched him.

" You could let me cook something, I'm very quiet then.", " Go ahead."

"I can't think of something off the top of my  head, give me something." He sighed and looked at her. " make a chocolate cupcake."
" I'm making red velvet." She corrected.

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