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She wasn't in school today. Or the next. Or for the rest of that week. He tried calling.

No answer.

He texted.

No answer.

He's scared her parents found out and they are punishing her for it. Right now he's in his classroom during his lunch trying to calm himself.

A knock sounds at his door and then they walk in without a word.

It's the principle and two officers.

" Mr. Mariano, come with me please."

Shit shit shit is all that is going on through his head right now. And as he takes this walk to the office he thinks of Raven.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

Her sarcastic way of thinking.

Right now he didn't get care about that outcome.

When he walked in the immediately knew, Raven was sitting in the room with her parents and even Deja was there.

He took the empty seat next to Raven and her face was red an puffy, she had been crying.
" It's come to our attention that you've been having sexual relations with Ms. Davis here...."

" Fuck that! We found you're messages in her phone you bastard, you've been having sex with our daughter and been having her friend lie for you." Her mother snaps.

" Mom." Raven pleads.

"The Davis' have decided to press charges."

He couldn't even be surprised. He knew this would probably happen in the future.
" You used our daughter for your own pleasure, you groomed her! I've sat in parent-teacher conferences with you and you were thinking about my daughter naked! You're disgusting!" Her mother and father yelled at him back and forth, but he just kept looking at Raven and her puffy face.

" You're going to spend the rest of your life in prison." Even with Raven's objections her parents just told her to shut up.

Shortly two officers came in and handcuffed him.

" I'm sorry." He said to Raven as they walked him to the police car waiting for him while the whole school watched.

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