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" you wha...." The sudden slam of a door alerted them. Her eyes went wide and she looked at the clock. "Shit." The clock read 1:45 pm.

" Raven we need to talk." He said putting his shirt back on. " not now, maybe later. She turned around, putting her shorts back on. She was hurt. He wants to talk, he didn't say it. He didn't even smile.

" Raven." He turned her around. " go." She met his glance. " just go out the window." She sniffled.

" damnit, Raven." He threw down $50 on the dresser and snuck out the window. She plopped down on her bed.

" so fucking dumb." She curses herself.

Deja took her out later that night. Ignoring Gio was harder than she thought.

" Dej, can I tell you something?"

" is it that you've been fucking Mr m?" She smirked. " how the hell did you know?!"

" I've seen the way you two eye fuck each other in class, oh and every time he walks into the gym he's looking at you. I'm not dumb. But tell me? How big is it?"

" Not now but...I fucked up, while we were...finishing I told him I think I love him and he didn't say it back and then my parents got home so I kicked him out and now he keeps calling and texting that he wants to talk and I know it only to break it off with me." She rambled. "Oh, I'm sorry babe." She brought her friend in for a hug and, she didn't realize she started crying when talking a minute ago.

" You have to talk to him."

" I know."

" better sooner than later."

She couldn't focus in class, she turned her laptop off and didn't even make her dish, what's he gonna do? Fail her?

" Alright um...bells about to ring, pack it up." He said.

The bell rang and students rushed out. She slowly packed up her things as he approached.

When the door shut she came out with it.

" I'm sorry." She kept her eyes off him. " I didn't mean to say it, I was lost in the moment can we just not ever talk about it again." She kept her head down on her shoes, anywhere but him. " You regret saying it?" He stood up, walking around her. She felt like the prey being hunted.

"it won't happen again," She muttered. " don't be ashamed baby. I just I don't want you to get those feelings just because we have sex, sex isn't what love is."

" But I...."

" you're young, and it's okay, I just want you to know sex isn't love, but baby I do love you, but I don't want you to love me because of the sex."

"I don't." She pressed her body against him. "are you sure." She nodded and wrapped her arms around him. " I don't want this to end."
His hands wrapped around her, kissing her head. " I love you, I meant it."

" a minute ago you said you regret it." He rose his brow and smiled playfully. " that was when I thought you weren't going to say it back...duh."

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