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She walked into his class early. " Good afternoon." He greeted her. " I have a question." She stated. He rose a brow at her. "Are the parent/teacher conferences for each teacher?"

" did you get chosen as a student who needs to meet with teachers?" He smiled. "Yes, all because of Ms. Tristan, now my mother is coming today after school for them and she's making me stay."

He stood up with papers in his hand and walked over to her. " Then I look forward to meeting the person you made you."
" I'm more like my dad so don't give your hopes up." She glared as he handed her a paper. That's when other students walked in.

She met her mother in the parking lot. She smiled when she saw her baby brother being carried in her arms.

" There you are." She grabbed him from her mother's arms. " Your lucky I answered your father's phone."
" Otherwise I would be grounded, thank you so much, mom." She kissed her cheek.

" who's first?"
" Ms. Tristan wants to see you first." She nodded and lead her to the art room.

" Ms. Tristan, my mother Jasmine." She gestured to her mother. " Mrs. Davis very nice to meet you, we have a lot to discuss." Raven rolled her eyes and closed the door.

Raven stared out the window of the door as her mother looked at her " inappropriate paintings." She was drawing shapes on the window when she saw a certain Italian walking down the hall.

She looked at her mother and teacher. She snuck out of the classroom and that's when he saw her.

" Mr. M where you heading?" She walked with him. " Aren't you supposed to be at a conference?" He asked. " snuck out."
" she's showing my mother my inappropriate paintings." He nodded. " You never answered my question."

" I'm heading back to the classroom. I believe I'm seeing your mother next?" She nodded.

They made it to his classroom and she sat down. " I hope you only tell her good things." She smirked. "hmm." He hummed playfully. "Mr. M?"

" yes, Raven?"

" Where did you work before this?" She played with a pen on his desk. " a private school."
" with rich preppy kids, ew." " Can I sit in the bean bag chairs?" She asked

She heard heels clacking against the floor
" Here she is thank you, Ms. Tristan." Her mother glared at her as she walked in. " what did you think of my paintings mom?" She smiled. " I honestly loved them." She handed her Zander.

" Mom this is Mr. Mariano, currently my favorite teacher." He smiled. " this is my mother Jasmine Davis." They shook hands.
" Very nice to meet you."

She gestured to the bean bag chairs again and he nodded. She smiled and sat down on the big red one. Playing with Zander as she listened to the conversation.

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