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His cum was dripping down her ass, down her thighs. He flipped her over and fucked her again. He let her rub herself as he did so. The tears he saw on her face only made him smirk.

He reached up, squeezing her breast, pinching her nipples until she squirmed. He pinned her arms above her head after she said she was close. He didn't care, but she was cumming from his cock, not her fingers. Her legs shook, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her orgasms burst inside her. Her restrained hands holding his wrists.

He grunted and pushed deeper inside her as his cum spilled out into her. He knew he was buying her a plan b tomorrow. He didn't care, he had to fuck her raw.

He released her hands and pulled out of her. His cum immediately went spilling out of her. He shoved his finger in her entrance making sure she got every drop.

He woke her at 5 am, she groaned, flipping over, hiding her face in the covers.

She was angry and grumpy he dragged her to the store to get a plan b. After she took it when they got back to his house, she went back to sleep in his bed. She didn't need to be up until 7.

He told her, he left a key by the front door and told her to lock up when she left. She mumbled an " mhm." as a response.

She woke up at 7 o'clock. She knew he wasn't there but it was nice waking up in his bed, his scent, and hers combined, and the smell of sex. She loved it.

She showered, got dressed, and rushed downstairs, trying to find her gym clothes.
She found her bag and stuffed them inside, he left her some breakfast, she ate quickly and grabbed her keys. She grabbed the key he left and went out the door.

She looked around the neighborhood, she wondered if anyone knew this was a teacher and student situation. Or maybe they were too stuck up to tell anyone. She locked the door and got into her car. Driving off to pick up Deja.

" Tell me again why you are a dumbass." She poked her head out the window grabbing their coffees. " I was hooking up with Jasmine last night and my mother caught me, and she took my car as punishment." She grabbed the coffees as Raven drove off. " you've been talking about guys so much I forgot you go both ways." Raven smiled and steered the car with her knee as she poked her straw into her drink.

" and Jasmine is a reoccurring one." She smirked. " it's just hooking up but I like her." She shrugged. " but anyways, what did you do this weekend?" Deja pressed " dej..."
" ok ok, you can't tell me I get it."

Before she has to head to the gym she rushed to Gio's classroom. " you look cute running." He smirked. " I have to get to gym, if I'm late I have to do an extra 5 laps."

She found the key and set it down on the desk.
" you remembered to lock the house." She nodded. " keep it." He pushed it back towards here. " what?"

" While this going on, especially situations like this morning you'll need to get in and out the house." He said. Before she could answer the bell rang, " fuck!" She cursed. " thanks." She grabbed the key and rushed to the door.

But seconds later she rushed back and he already had it ready. He held out the late excuse slip and she smiled in appreciation.

" Are you free tonight?" He asked "I'll sneak out, I'll be there by 1." She rushed out the door and he watched the way her ass bounced in her jeans.

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