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" you can't be serious?" She laughed as she turned around in the water. " completely serious." He nodded. " your mother almost named you Bartholomew? I don't think I'm even saying it right." She giggled.

" yea yea laughs all you want, aren't you lucky you get to moan Gio instead." He grabbed her waist in the pool and pulled her to him. " very glad...Gio." She placed her hand on his chest as she placed a soft and gentle kiss on his lips.

" can't you stay the night?" He looked her in her eyes, giving him a sad but serious look.
" my mother is sick of barely seeing me around and now every Thursday is family night." She said lifting herself out of the pool, meanwhile, he used the steps.

She dried herself off as he stalked towards her.
"Stay." He grabbed her hand and twirled her. The laughs coming from her consumed his hearing. He wanted to tell her to fuck her family and live with him.

But he forgot. She's 18. She may not be a full-grown adult but she was at the age to do what she wants but she still has so much to do with her life. He can't hold her down.

He let her go abruptly and she frowned.

"Gio I'll be back tomorrow, don't get all pouty." She smiled.

He said nothing.

" Gio."

" I'll see you tomorrow Raven." He turned around and walked back into the house. She watched him head upstairs.

She suddenly felt like she did something wrong.

The next day in class he wasn't his usual self. He talked less and just typed away on his laptop.

After class, she stayed back and he looked up from his laptop as she shut the door.

" what's your problem?" She walked up to his desk. " You need to go to class Raven."
" what did I do?" She leans back. " you're going to be late." He stood his ground.

She got on her knees in front of him and looked up at him. He looked down at her.

" can I make you feel better?"

He sighed turning his head. " just fucking talk to me!" She gripped his pants leg in her fist, getting his attention. " I don't like this." She said softly. He grabbed her cheeks and brought her up, she sat on his lap.

" Are you mad at me?"

" No." he rubbed her cheek with his thumb soothing her. " what's wrong then? You're not yourself." He gave her a pitiful smile.

" You have better things to do Raven, you're a senior in high school messing around with your teacher who's much older."

" um no, I'm a senior in high school messing around with my very hot teacher who's only 8 years older than me." She said which made him laugh.

" I'm living my life the way I want it. Plus you think I'd still be messing around with you old man if I didn't like you?" She smirked. " so you think you're funny huh?" He squeezed her ass tightly.

" feeling better?"

" much better." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and she cheekily smiled. As she rested her head in the crook of his neck he felt content but knew this conversation wasn't over. She'd still graduate at the end of the year and leave. Forgetting all about him.

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