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Most girls were in the class just to see Mr. Mariano. And they definitely couldn't cook. The class came down to 14 people including Deja and Raven.

" this week, all our dishes are Indian." He clasped his hands together as he walked around the room. Raven took notes as he talked. " every dish you cook must be Indian."

" Today, just think about what you will be cooking this week, meanwhile to get to know you all I'll be walking around the room talking to you."

She was sitting on her stool. Searching up recipes to try when he came up to her table.

She looked up from her laptop and he was smiling down at her. " so what are you doing asking us questions to get to know us better?"

" so you've figured me out." He smiled. " What are extracurriculars are you taking?" He asked
" Art, photography, yearbook, student council, choir, and band." She smiled. He looked at her shockingly.

She laughed softly and looked back down at her laptop. " no I'm kidding Mr. Mariano."
He nodded with a slight chuckle. " what do you actually take?"

" art and this." She closed my laptop, now writing in her notebook. " Good to know, and you're a senior correct?" All she did was nod. As she kept writing she continued to feel his eyes on her. " can I ask you a question, Mr. Mariano?"

He nodded with a smile. "Are you gay?"
He shifted in his spot after clearing his throat. "I mean all the girls here are obsessed with you, tell them your gay, and they back off."

" no, I'm not gay." She looked up and she saw that he was wondering about her personality, wondering if she's always like this.

" no, I know that Mr. M. Can I call you Mr. M? Because Mr. Mariano is such a mouthful."

He figured out she was always like this. " that's fine, Ms. Davis." He smiled and moved around her table to the one behind her which was Deja's.

When she got home her mother was about to leave. " your father will be back soon, I'm taking Zander to his doctor's appointment."

" ok, what do you want for dinner?" She asked, ever since her mother gave birth to her brother a couple of weeks ago, her father has been working a lot since her mother was on leave from work. She helps by cooking dinner now.

" whatever is easiest ok? Don't stress yourself if all fails I will bring back something, text me." She nodded and kissed her mother's cheek goodbye.

She found enough stuff in the kitchen to make chicken Alfredo. As she began making dinner Deja FaceTimed her.

" did you see how he looked at me?" Deja was in a daze. " he's our teacher dej."
" I know but I wonder how big it is." She hummed. " you're such a whore." Raven laughed.

" I heard he's gay." Raven smiled as she poured in the sauce. Deja gasped and the video went on pause. " what are you doing?" She asked.

" trying to find out if that is true?" She had panic in her voice. "I'll see you tomorrow," Raven said.

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