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He was typing away on his laptop as she baked away. He took quick glances every now and then. She went to the fridge to grab eggs, and he got a good look at her ass. He shifted in his seat and looked back at his laptop.

She bent down, looking for something. He couldn't keep his eyes away. The slight bounce as she moved backward. He adjusted his pants and sighed.

She stood up again and went back to her table. She bent down, reaching for the frosting on the other side of the table. Giving him a full look at her cleavage. She glanced up and he quickly looked away. He glanced up again and she was adjusting her shirt. All he did was a smirk.

" how old are you Raven?" He asked. " 18." She said without question. " how old are you Mr. M." He just stared at her. " it's just me and you. I swear I won't tell you I'm very good at keeping secrets."

" 26." He answered. " the girl's predictions are way off then." She muttered. "Done!" She said. " Can this count as extra credit?" She asked. "depends.." he gestured for her to come. She handed him a cupcake.

"Very good Ms. Davis." She smirked to herself. " So?" She grinned. " you'll get extra credit." He nodded.

" Can I go now?" She groaned. "You've been here for an hour."
"So?" She placed her palms flat on his desk. "You have half an hour left."

" Come on Mr. M I have to get home to babysit my baby brother." She begged. He sighed and looked up at her. Her face was at a pout, her hair in a ponytail, her brown eyes staring back at him.

" fine." He sat up. " this is why you're my favorite teacher." She grabbed two other cupcakes from her tray and rushed out the door.

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