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She tangled around in the sheets a bit before waking up to the sound of her phone ringing.

" Hello?"
" YOUR MOM!!!"  She yelled. " what?"
" your mom is calling and wants to talk to you!" She sat up and looked around. " what did you tell her?" She rushed to put on a shirt. "she's on the other line, I told her you were getting out the shower."

" shit, shit, shit... ok merge us." As she said that Gio walked back into the room. " Mom." She said, warning him and speaking to her mother. " Deja said you were in the shower."
" yea, is everything ok?" She watched as Gio left the room. " I just wanted to tell you your grandparents are in town and we're having lunch at Flemings at 3, I want you there."
"Yea I'll be there." She rubbed her temples.

Her mother hung up and it was just her and Deja. " Deja?"
" I'm here, and your grandparents are in town, they are so mean." Raven started walking to the stairs. " yea, but I got to go."
" where are you?" Deja asked "jumping off a bridge." Raven said and then hung up.

She walked into the kitchen and he was in there filling a cup with orange juice. "Everything alright?" He set a plate down in front of her. " my grandparents are in town, they want to go to lunch so I have to leave early." She sighed and sat down, picking up her fork. "What time?" He asked " three."
" it's only 8, we have time." He smirked.

" you've waited long enough, yeah?" The water was hit down his back, both of her hands were bracing her against the glass of the shower. "mhm." She hummed. " please."
He was pressed against her back and he was moving his hand to her heat. He rubbed around her clit, his other hand gripped on her neck. " oh, fuck." She moaned out.

" Please, I want you." She cocked her head as far as she could. "You've been a good girl haven't you?" He continued to rub around her clit. " Not today." She started whimpering, "when I do take you, I want all the time in the world." She was pushed over the edge "oh my god." She slammed her hand on the glass door, he pushed a finger in her, prolonging her orgasm.

He turned her over, and she glanced down, "please?" She pouted. He smiled at her as he got on her knees.

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