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She woke up naked and something wet between her legs. She was still sensitive down there from the previous actives and she pushed away from it.

" shh, I'm just cleaning you up." Gio's deep voice spoke. "I'll be done in a second." The wet towel cleaned her up and Gio dried her all and put the blanket back over her.

"Here's your phone." Gio set her phone in her hand and he kissed the top of her head.

She turned over, sleepily and checked her phone, she had 10 missed calls from her mother and 13 texts.

Where are you

Why aren't you answering the phone?!?!

We are taking your brother to the hospital, something is wrong please come as soon as you see this!!!

She sat up quickly reading the last text over.
" what's wrong?" Gio said putting his shirt back on. " Zan- I need you to take me to the hospital now."

She grabbed some clothes and put them on quickly. As Gio sped to the hospital she was calling her parents over and over, but their was no answer.

She reached the hospital but paused as she was getting out and looked back at Gio.
"Don't worry, go....text me when you're home." She nodded quickly and ran inside the hospital asking for her brother.

" Raven!" She looked up seeing her father, she rushed towards him and he brought her to the hospital room.

"What's wrong with him?" Her father stopped her from going in. " His baby monitor went off around 1 am saying he wasn't breathing, they say we got here in time but they have him on ventilators, he's not breathing on his own." She gasped and looked through the window seeing her tiny baby brother hooked up to machines.

" Is he going to be okay?"

" they are still running tests."
She swung the door open and her mother was holding his hand while crying.

Her mother saw her and stood up glaring at her. " where were you?"

" A-At Deja's."

" lie. I called and her mother said you weren't there, why has your phone been going to voicemail, I thought something happened to you, it was 12 am and my daughter is missing and my son isn't breathing!"

"Evie." Her father tried calming down his wife. " im here now, I was fine!"

" where have you been going!"

" Deja's!"

" stop lying!" Her mother yelled loudly and it got to the point where her father has to take her out the room.

All of this was going to shit.

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