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He lifted her thigh resting it on the counter, giving him room. " you're dripping wet baby."
" it's all because of you." She smirked. They were eating breakfast but, it took a turn. Now she's pressed against the counter, thigh propped up on the counter.

He pushed into her quickly, " shit." He was taking her ass again. " tell me if it's too much." He said. He got halfway inside her and was surprised she took this much. " more." Her eyes closed shut, a hand gripping the counter.

" sure?" He needs to makes sure she's sure
" yes, please." He does so, and pushed deeper, he grabbed the lube, hoping it would help. " too much." She said. Letting him know that all she can take right now. " not a problem." He fucked her through breakfast.

He locked his classroom door. Pulling a blind down to cover the window. He turned out the light the only light coming from the closed blinds on the other side of the room. She told him how wet she was during class as he demonstrated a meal.

After the class ended she was at his knees. Begging to suck his cock. He wondered if this was a kink, or just the need to please him. It's been proven that she rather suck him off before giving herself pleasure.

" what's your fascination with this." He smiled down at her as he caressed her cheek. " I don't know, it's addicting." She smiled with a shrug. She took off her shirt and bra, waiting for him to give her the go. " you can do it whenever you want." He whispered. She smiled happily as he unzipped his pants.

" can i..." she gestured to his shoe. " you really are a little slut for me are you?" He smirked. "do what you want baby." That was her go. He moved his chair forward as she took him in her mouth after taking off her bottoms. He tilted his shoe up and she lined it with her soaking heat.
She grinded against his shoe as she sucked him off. This was worth missing history for.

Midterms are this week and her house is the last place she can study. Zander was nonstop crying, and her mother and father were arguing. He called at just the right time.

He offered for her to come to her house. She rushed to her car.

He watched her study. Watched her bite her lip nervously as she highlighted multiple sentences. She did this for hours, he was concerned about how much work her teachers gave her.

It was 8 o'clock and she was eating dinner while doing a set of math problems.

" ok that's it." He took her books and pens away from her. " wait no no it's one more problem." She groaned. " I'm actually concerned now, you've studied enough you're a straight-A student, you'll do great on the midterms."

" and I need to practice my cooking for your class's midterm." She stood. "Don't worry I'll make it easy." He grabbed her waist as she was twisting to write down the answer. " you need to relax." He grabs her chin, making her turn to him.

" That's easy for a teacher to say." She rolled her eyes. " are you tired?" She shook her head. " come on." He grabbed her hand leading her to the car. " oh can I drive?" She grinned. "definitely not, you'll wreck it." He grabbed the keys off the rack and opened the car door for her.

He watched her struggle to pick an ice cream flavor. He already had his in hand. She was still looking. He watched the male worker look at her cleavage as she leaned down to look at the flavors. He gripped his ice cream tighter. "Eh just strawberry for me." She stood straightly again. The guy nodded and gave her two scoops in a cup. She leaned down again, looking at the toppings. He knew it wasn't her fault.

" oh, can you add cheesecake bits on that?" The man gathered himself and nodded. She held her cup as Gio paid. He gave the boy, no older than 19 a glare as he draped his arms over Raven, kissing her temple.

They didn't even leave the parking lot yet. He pulled her to the driver's side, on his lap. He lifted her shirt, throwing it aside, letting her breasts bounce. The car shook as he held her moving waist. Her arms wrapped around his neck. He sucked on her nipples. He grabbed his ice cream cup and dripped some on her nipples. He noticed the same worker locking up just outside.

He saw them just as Gio attached his lips to her ice cream-coated nipples. Sucking them clean. He smirked back at the worker, who stood in shock. Gio put the spoon with ice cream on it in her mouth as she whimpered.

" Vanilla never tasted so good." She moaned. The guy made eye contact with Gio as Raven moaned into his shoulder. Gio kissed her neck. Grabbing a fistful of hair pulling her back he kissed he roughly as she came from moving her hips against his boner. He let her body rest on his for a while, he looked back up and the guy was walking away embarrassed.

It's as a power move. She was his. Only his to look at. Only his to kiss. Only his to fuck.

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