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She was texting him under the table as they waited on their food. " Raven." Her mother warned. Raven sighed and put her phone down.

" Raven, can you change Zander?" She asked, "yeah." Raven excused herself and took Zander to the bathroom with her.

" grandma and grandpa are really mean aren't they?" She smiled at Zander. As she threw away the wipes the door opened and her grandmother walked in. " Grandma, hi." She smiled. " Raven how have you been." Her grandmother walked to the sink, washing her hands. " good, very good."
" anyone new in your life, a guy maybe?"

Her grandmother has always done this, probing her about getting a boyfriend. " uh...no but im fine." She said putting Zanders onesie back on. " a pretty girl like you should have a boyfriend by now."

" yes, I know grandma, just not interested in anyone right now."
" Maybe if you dressed with more honor and not these cropped shirts and ripped jeans you would get a boyfriend."

She nodded as she washed her hands. " well I'll try harder." She smiled. " good." Her grandmother walked out, she has to count to ten before she exploded with anger.

She told her parents she was still sleeping over at Deja's. She got back to Gio's and as she sat on his lap, he listened to her complaining about her grandmother. " she basically called me a slut for dressing like this." She crossed her arms. " you are a slut for other things." He smirked. " very funny." She rolled her eyes.

" so I have you for another night." He pulled her closer. They stood up, and took her upstairs. " take off your slutty clothes." He smirked, she smiled and did so.

He laid her on the bed admiring her body. Running his hands down her curve. " what are you going to do?" She waited for him to look up at her eyes from looking at her body. " Give you what you want."

She bit her lip and smiled. "You're going to...."
He went down to her ear " I'm going to fuck you." She moaned from his words alone. "would you like that Raven?" He pressed a kiss to her neck "yes. Please."

He sat up and removed his shirt. "I'll be right back." He walked out of the room and she sat up. Eager for his return. He came back with a handful of things. " I'm not making it easy for you." He smirked. " on your knees, on the bed." She sat up fully and got on her knees.

He wrapped a leather strap around her thighs it went over her stomach and on her lower back, it was designed for someone to be on their knees.

" put your hands behind your back." She brought them to her back and he connected two matching leather handcuffs to the leather straps on her back. He wrapped the straps around her wrist and she tugged on them to see her movement availability. They were short and she could barely move her hands.

He placed a pink vibrating wand between her thighs right under her clit. " what's your safe word?"
" red." She glanced down to the wand between her thighs. He clicked it on and she was getting nervous. " go down." He said. She lowered herself onto the wand. Her mouth gaping as she found pleasure in the wand. " stop." She lifted herself and looked at him. " down." He said after a minute.

She bit her lip as the vibration ran through her body. The restraints were clanging against the metal of the ring it was attached to. " fuck."
" up." She whimpered, begging not to stop. "Raven." He warned. She cursed and lifted.

He came over in front of her and wrapped his hand around her throat. " good girls listen."
" I'm sorry."

" now you need a punishment." He lifted her face by her chin. " 30 minutes."
" of what?" She asked
" edging."

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