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Her parents didn't go down until 12. She was horny and she wanted him to do what he did do her the other day. She tiptoed downstairs and went out the back door.

" Giovanni." She spoke, " that's your first name?" She asked as she looked at his ID badge for the school. He nodded as she handed it back to him. " I'll call you Gio."

They went upstairs and entered the movie theater, " what do you want to watch?" He walked over to a bookcase full of movies.
" you pick." She held his arm firmly. He pulled out the movie " Pride and Prejudice"

She sat down in a very comfortable seat as he set things up. " Have you seen it?" He asked. "no."

" good." He sat next to her, pulling her onto his lap. " Take these off." He said. He watched her stand and pull off her sweatpants. He pulled her back down onto his lap. "You look so good in blue." He was referring to her panties.

He spread her legs and rubbed her clit through her panties. She closed her eyes, taking in the pleasure. " open your eyes." He gave her pussy a spank, a warning. She opened her eyes and he smirked. " good girl." He pulled something out of his pocket and held it up in front of her.

" all fours, ass up," He told her, she licked her lips and got down from his lap, getting onto her knees. As she put her ass up she was wondering why he put the movie on if they weren't watching it. His hands rubbed her left ass cheek before smacking it. A yelp came from her. She squirmed, she was sure there was a wet spot on her panties.

" stay there like a good girl." She heard him retreating from the room. She pouted and rested her head on her arms. He gave back minutes later and pulled down her panties till there were at the ends of her thighs. " let's give you a safe word yes?"

" Red ok?", she nodded " yes." She verbally agreed. "Good." She felt something cold and slippery on her hole. She adjusted herself when another cold, metal thing poked at her entrance. She shivered, and he felt it too. "It's just a butt plug." He spread her cheeks open and pushed it inside. She gasped as it stretched her.

He pulled her panties back up. " sit up." She finally sat up and turned around kneeling in front of him. She saw his erection, and bit her lip. " what do you want?" He narrowed his eyes to her. " before he could answer he was pulling his pants down. She squeezed her thighs together, as he took it out. " can I... please?"

" do what?" He smirked " Can I taste... please?" " begging already" he smirked. Just looking at his cock was making her wetter. "open your mouth...wide." She obediently complied and opened her mouth wide, he slides into her mouth. " make me cum then Raven."

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