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She woke up warm. She was fully washed and in some of his clothes. She buried her face deeper into the pillows smelling his scent.

" you ok?" He came over. Kissing her head. "mhm, what happened?" She turned his way. "I made you cum and you passed out." He brushed her hair back.

" Wow." She sat up.

" you up for some shopping?" He smirked.

They walk along the boardwalk looking at the shops people set up. She loved being out with him like this. Like they're a couple.

She came back to him after buying herself some earrings. He was looking at watches.
" can we go to the festival?" She asked as he paid for one of the watches and something else she didn't see. " yea."

He grabbed her hand and put a gold tennis bracelet on her wrist. " this is beautiful."
" I'll spend millions on you." He grabbed her chin and kissed her lips.
She smiled cheekily and pecked his lips.

They walked hand in hand to the festival down the street. She demanded they go to the spinning teacups.

" no, you're stirring it wrong...this way." She showed him. " who's stirs a teacup anyway?" He said.

" don't bump into me too hard, my hair is just how I like it." She pouted. He nodded and rolled his eyes.

She got bumped into pretty hard soon later. Gio saw her rubbing her neck and his grip on the wheel tightened.
He came up behind the guy who bumped into her and repeatedly bumped into him harder and harder until they had to stop the game.

She laughed as they walked off the bumper cars.
" you almost killed him."
He gave her a look that said 'he's lucky I didn't'

He sat with her as she ate some strawberry ice cream. His hand gripped her thigh as she noticed the fireworks starting.

" let's go watch it?" She tapped his thigh. He stood up with her and she led the way.

She looked up at the stars in awe as he looked at her. Seeing the bright light in her eyes. He grabbed her chin and pulled her into a kiss. Letting the fireworks go off right above their heads.

As the kiss ended he kept her close. She watched him search her eyes. She was starting to wonder if he found what he was looking for.
He smiled at her and that reassured her.

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