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" Mom what are you doing here, you know I hate it when you pop up unannounced."

" Why, you had a girl in your bed? Oh please Gio." She waved him off and set her bag down.

He sighed and walked over to her he looked out the window, seeing Raven already gone.

" Gio, you're father and I are hosting a party for the country club and you know the Mitchell's." He only nodded. " I've set you up with their daughter, she's young, beautiful, smart, and respectable, get yourself a nice suit you're meeting her at the party Sunday."

" mom I ca.."

" you will do it, Giovanni." She demanded. "you should have been married, you need kids and a wife, you shouldn't have left the club, there was a perfectly good women for you."

" I don't want that life."

" I'm not here to fight with you Gio, be there Sunday, 3 o'clock." She grabbed her purse and left out the door.

She wasn't in class that day, he was waiting for her to be late or maybe she ran into some trouble, but nothing, she was skipping his class.

When class was over Deja came up to his desk.

" You're an asshole." He had no doubt Deja knew by now, but he was wondering what this was about. " Why did you pursue her when she was only just a good fuck?"

" tell her to talk to me?"

" fuck you, respectfully Mr. M." She smiled graciously and left the classroom.

After school, he was grading reports when someone walked into his room.
" I got detention again." Raven said.

" what did you do?"

" the usual." She sighed and sat in the back. "Raven.."

" I want to stop this, it was never going to last, we both know that, yeah I fell for you but I should have known better, you're my teacher for fucks sake, but I still don't appreciate you fucking me in the same house you...."

" It was my mother Raven, not another woman, my mother had a key to my house, I wouldn't do that, ever."

She was speechless for once, she sighed and nodded. " I- uhh ok, sorry." She walked back to her seat cursing herself.

" I don't have any other women Raven, you know that right?"

" I guess." She shrugged.

He stood up and walked behind her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. "Tell me what's on your mind."

She inhaled deeply and turned around to him. "I want to be with you, all the time, I want you as my boyfriend, I don't want to hide our relationship, I want to go out in public with you, kiss you when I want, and not have people question it."

" I just.... want to feel like you love me, in public and private."

His arms wrapped around his torso and he pressed a kiss into her hair. " ok." He brushes her hair down with his hand as she hugged him tighter. " I hear you."

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