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She got in her car with a smile, they exchanged numbers, a little more of kissing, and lip biting. She thought of calling Deja to tell her but decided against it. Tell no one.

When she got home her father was making Zander a bottle. " hey there munchkin."
" I am 18 not 8 anymore." She kissed his cheek. " yea yea I remember." He teased. " how was school?"

" Uh, boring, lots of math." She walked upstairs throwing her back on the floor and grabbing the sticky note he wrote his number on.

But as she was taking it out an unknown number texted her.

She had another detention. Another one with him, she was enjoying her detentions now.

She walked into his classroom and closed the door behind behind her. " Are you getting detentions on purpose now?"

" Not this time." She set her bag down. " I actually did tell the coach to fuck herself." She smiled. " why would you do that?"
" she gave me three more laps for talking to Deja like it was a very important conversation about how cute her brother is and she dares to blow her stupid whistle in our ears." She was talking so much she didn't notice his hands on her waist.

" the audacity." He muttered, her lips are so plump and soft, he doesn't understand how perfect her lips can be. He wants her. Now.

" Are you free after this?" He asked. "Yes."
" Come back to my place."

" Ok." She nodded. " Now." He said. " Go now?" He nodded. He put a strand of her hair behind her ear, " you have no idea what I want to do to you." She gulped, staring down at him as she sat in his chair. He stood up, quickly dominating her. " Send me directions."

Her mouth gaped as she entered his house. "For a teacher, you have a huge house."

" I'm a trust fund baby, I had to take the house to get the money." He took off her jacket setting it in the rack along with her bag. " what did you tell your parents?"

" that I was at Deja's." She looked around the living room. "Do you have a pool?" He nodded.

She turned around and he was there, looking down at her. " are you a virgin?"
" mhm." He traced her lips with his thumb. "It's going to hurt isn't it?" She spoke. " Only for a bit." He pushed his thumb into her mouth and she gladly sucked.

His hand unbuttoned her jeans. Her breathing elevated, she kept her eyes on his as her tongue swirled around his thumb.

He pulled his thing about and lifted her on the kitchen counter. Pulling her jeans down in a swift motion. " take off your shirt, before I rip it off." He said. She did just that, as he pulled her panties down. He took her shirt and set it down. " I'm not going to hurt you this time."

" no?" She was unclipping her bra. " No, I want to see how many fingers you can take."
Her eyes widen just as her bra fell and he opened her legs.

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