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" I asked Jasmine out." Deja said making Raven stop in her tracks. " what!"
" RAVEN, DEJA KEEP RUNNING!" The coach said. " what did she say?" They started running again. " yes, but I'm nervous, so if you aren't busy tonight maybe you and her friend Devon could double date with us?"

The laps stopped and they ran into the locker room. " who is Devon?" She asked. " her best friend and he is sexy, he's your type."

" I don't know I have plans." She shrugged. "please I need you there, I'll fuck up without you, please I just covered for you this past weekend." She had her there, but she really wanted to see Giovanni tonight. " please."
" fine."

He was about to leave his classroom when she came in, a frown on her face. " Raven, what's wrong?"

She closed the behind her and walked over to him, he was standing up cleaning off desks. She sat in his chair at his desk and laid her head down. " I can't make it tonight, Deja asked this girl out and she needs my help. So I'm going on a double date with her tonight."

" I can try and come over after." She lifted her head. " don't stress yourself." He stood in front of her lifting her chin. " but I won't to come, I loved what happened this past weekend."

He noticed her thighs squeezing together, he got a great view of her cleavage from where he was standing. " I want to see you." She tugged on his pants leg. " did you say double date?"

" it's Jasmine's best friend Devon, it's not a real date I'm just there to help Deja."
"But I really don't want to." He watched as she looked up at him innocently. " it's an easy cover-up, please." She stood up. " What's Devon like?"

" Gio." She narrowed her eyes to him. " I don't know I've never met him." She shrugged. "come right after." He watched her face light up, she got on her toes and kissed him. " I'll see you later." She rushed out of the room.

It was the most boring date ever. He barely talked to her and when he did it was always about something she couldn't even begin to understand.

Jasmine and Deja seemed to be having fun though so she's dealt with it. The dessert came and she as Devon didn't talk until it was time to go.

"It was nice to meet you." She said, " same here." She was about to walk away when he asked for her number. She smiled and said it out to him.

Behind him, Jasmine and Deja kissed each other goodbye and very long kiss.

They got into the car and Raven smirked at Deja's red cheeks. " just drive." She covered her cheeks.

" sorry about Devon, he was boring wasn't he?"
Raven pulled out the parking lot. " don't sweat it, he asked for my number a minute ago."

" did you give it to him?" Raven turned to Deja " not mine." She smirked, " now that I did this for you can you cover for me tonight?"

" no, we've repaid each other it's over, tell me where you're going and I'll do it." She crossed her arms. " Deja trust me, please?"

" fine, but you have to give me a ride wherever until I get my car back and I will cover for you whenever." Raven smiled and nodded. " deal."

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