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" why can't you just give me what you're drinking?" She pouted on his lap. " are you 21?" He said. " no." She crossed her arms. " just a sip." He budged. He tilted the glass to her lips and she took a long sip.

" Raven." He gave her ass a spank. She smirked and pulled away from the glass. " it was good." She shrugged. He glared at her and she shifted her hips on his lap. " kiss?" She put her lips out. He shook his head and continued to kiss her lips.

" you ready?" He asked. She nodded and walked down the stairs with her bags. He took them out of her hand and set them by the door.

" did you get your bathing suit?" He asked. "You got five." She smiled.

They sat in the seats by the place where they were boarding. She was off getting them something to eat.

She went to Wendy's and waited in line for her food. She was grabbing her food when she stopped.

" Raven?!" A voice said. " Emily?" Raven gave her a fake smile. Emily from her home ec class. " where are you going?" She asked her. " Um, Hawaii with my...cousin." She sounded so stupid in her head but continued to smile.

" I'm going to the orange beach with my family."

It wasn't until she heard another voice she knew she was fucked.

" what's taking so... Emily." He shoved his hand in his pockets. Emily blushed as he said her name. " Mr. M so good to see you, where are you going?" Raven played along. " y-yea where are you spending spring break."

" just with people, in um Hawaii."

Emily smirked and nudged Raven. " Is it a girlfriend?" Emily asked. Raven looked down at her shoes, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. " um... yeah." He smiled.

She looked up and he saw her face was bright red. " I should be going, I'm boarding soon, have a fun spring break girls." He walked away quickly.

" too bad he has a girlfriend, and too bad I'm 17, I'll see you at school Raven." Emily gave her a parting smile. Raven waited for her to get out of sight before she rushed back over to Gio.

" what was that?" He asked. "Don't know she just came up to me, sorry." She set the phone down in the chair next to her. " it's not your fault." He sighed, rubbing his temples.

" so... who's this girlfriend?" She rose her brow. He laughed softly before draping an arm over her and kissing her forehead.

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