A glimpse into Kurapika's future

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Today is Kurapika's fortieth birthday. He stands alone in front of a beautiful, freshly flowered gravesite. The month is April. It had rained earlier, leaving the bright green grass slightly wet. Next to this particular gravesite stands a big cherry blossom tree. This tree was one of the reasons why Kurapika chose this site. It blooms every April, making this day feel a little more special.

He visits this grave frequently, however, on his birthday he spends all day there. The sun is starting to set. This is the time when he can see it. The special gift the owner of this gravesite gives Kurapika. As soon as the sun sets, the gravesite gives off a beautiful multicolored aura. The aura is strong enough to be seen without using gyo. As soon as Kurapika sees the beautiful aura, he falls onto his knees and starts to cry. He should be celebrating today. Instead, he spent all day at the cemetery waiting for this moment. The moment he promised himself he would never miss for the rest of his life. Kurapika has been receiving this gift every fourth of April for thirteen years now.

Fifteen years earlier, Kurapika was enjoying a wonderful summer vacation on Orida Island. He was able to see Leorio, Gon, and Killua after many years apart. Leorio took them all on a tour of the pediatric unit he was excited to start working on. It was at the pediatric unit where Kurapika met a beautiful young nurse named Kohana.

One afternoon during his vacation, Kurapika was at the hospital looking for Leorio. Kurapika found a tiny little girl named Mio who was lost and in need of help. Kurapika helped her back to her room. While holding Mio, he noticed a deep wound on her right arm. His heart broke for her. When he returned Mio to her room, Kohana was already there. She was Mio's nurse.

Kohana is a very petite woman with big brown eyes and long soft brown hair. She wore pink scrubs with pandas printed on them.

"Doesn't Nurse Kohana look like a princess?" Mio asks Kurapika.
"Yes, you're right. She does look like a princess." agrees Kurapika, smiling.
"Oh, thank you." says Kohana, blushing.

Leorio overheard Kurapika talking to Kohana and noticed they had an instant connection. He had tried to convince Kurapika to ask Kohana out on a date.

"She is honestly one of our best nurses. I think you two would really hit it off." Leorio told Kurapika.
"Thank you, but I really think I will get back to work," says Kurapika.
"Well, you should at least consider it. I know she likes extra sweet coffee from the cafe if you want to bring her one next time." says Leorio, smiling.
"I will keep that in mind." says Kurapika.

During the last day of their vacation, Leorio took Kurapika, Gon, and Killua on a boat ride. Kurapika was having a great time laughing with his friends. After that day, Kurapika decided to take Leorio's advice to find someone to share his life with.

Kurapika had an email box full of Hunter assignment offers. There was one that caught his eye and it was located on Orida Island. He could be close to his best friend. While waiting for Leorio to check out of the resort, he decided to call for the details.

"Great. I look forward to meeting with you." said Kurapika on the phone.

As Kurapika hangs up the phone, Leorio walks toward him.

"Kurapika, you know you can stay with me in my apartment while you settle in with your new job." offers Leorio.
"Are you sure?" asks Kurapika.
"Of course! Why fly all the way back home?" asks Leorio.
"Thank you, Leorio." says Kurapika.
"Not a problem. You can ride with me. I just need to stop by the hospital for my schedule on the way home if you don't mind." explains Leorio.
"I don't mind." says Kurapika.

They check out of the resort and leave for the hospital. They walk into the hospital and Kurapika stops next to the cafe.

"Hey, I'm going to grab a drink, would you like anything?" offers Kurapika.
"Nah, I'll just wait for you upstairs." says Leorio while he continues to walk toward the elevator.

Kurapika orders two coffees. He asks for one to be extra sweet. He walks up to the pediatric unit and stands in front of the nurse's station. The unit secretary notices him.

"Hello, again! How can I help you?" asks the secretary.
"Is Kohana working today?" Kurapika asks, smiling.
"Yes, she is. Do you want me to call her for you?" the secretary asks.
"Yes, please." answers Kurapika.

The unit secretary calls Kohana on her spectralink.

"Hey, Kohana. There is a cute blonde in a suit asking for you." the secretary whispers on the phone.

She hangs up and looks up at Kurapika.

"She will be just a minute." she tells Kurapika, smiling.
"Thank you for your time." responds Kurapika.

Kurapika can't help but smile while he waits for Kohana. He is excited to see her again. A few minutes later, he notices Kohana walking up to the front nurse's station. She is wearing her panda print scrubs and has her hair up in a messy bun.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Kohana asks Kurapika.
"Hello, Kohana. I brought this for you. I thought it would be nice to talk for a little bit." Kurapika nervously says to Kohana while handing her the coffee.
"Oh, hey! I remember you! I really wish I had time, but unfortunately I have a little boy who is waiting on his breathing treatment, another little boy who decided it would be fun to take out his IV and a little girl who doesn't want to take her medicine! I'm sorry. But thank you." Kohana says to Kurapika while accepting the coffee and walking away.

Kurapika stands at the nurse's station, embarrassed for taking up her time.

"She is having a rough day." the secretary tells Kurapika.
"I see. I am really sorry for interrupting her. Will you please tell her that I am extremely sorry?" he asks the secretary.
"I will." she responds.

Kurapika  walks to the lounge to wait for Leorio. Leorio walks in a few minutes after.

"Okay, got my schedule! Ready to head to my apartment?" asks Leorio, excitedly.
"Sure. Hey, Leorio? Will you do Kohana a favor?" Kurapika asks Leorio.
"Kohana? What's up?" Leorio asks, confused.
"She seems to be having a really rough day. Do you mind starting an IV for her?" Kurapika asks.
"Huh? Sure, I don't mind. Typical Kohana though. She never likes to ask for help. Kind of like you!" Leorio answers, laughing.
"I gave her the coffee like you said, however she said she didn't have the time. I should have known better than to bother her at work." Kurapika explains, embarrassed.
"Not a problem. I'll go find her to see where she needs the IV. I'll be right back." says Leorio.

Leorio finds Kohana in the medication room. She is gathering supplies to restart an IV. She looks frustrated.
"Hey, who needs that?" asks Leorio.
"Hello, Dr. Paradinight. Little boy in room 16. How did you know?" asks Kohana, confused.
"Kurapika told me." Leorio answered.
"Kurapika?" she asks.
"Yep." answers Leorio.
"I'm so embarrassed. I think I was rude to him. I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment." Kohana explains.
"Don't worry about it. You know, it's okay to ask for help sometimes. Go and take a break. I'll get this IV." Leorio explains.
"Thank you so much!" Kohana exclaims.

Kohana walks into the lounge. She notices Kurapika sitting alone at a table. She walks up to him.

"Hello?" Kohana gets his attention.
"Oh, hello!" Kurapika says, surprised to see her.
"I apologize for earlier. It's just hard to find time for breaks while I am working. My coworkers practically have to drag me away to take lunch. " Kohana explains.
"I'm the one who needs to apologize. I disturbed you at work. I'm so sorry." explains Kurapika.
"Don't worry about it. Thank you for sending help. You and Dr. Paradinight are good friends?" Kohana asks.
"Yes, we have known each other for eight years now." Kurapika answers.
"Oh, wow. How did you meet?" Kohana asks.
"We took the Hunter exam together." Kurapika answers.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot he is also a Hunter." says Kohana.

They sit and talk for a few minutes before Leorio walks in.

"Got it. Twenty-four gauge left forearm. I wrapped it up good for you." Leorio says, proudly.
"Oh, thank you again! Well, I better go and hang his antibiotic. Will I see you again, Kurapika?" Kohana asks Kurapika, blushing.
"Yes, and I promise it will not be at work!" Kurapika answers with a smile.

Kohana smiles back as she leaves the lounge.

"Thank you, Leorio." says Kurapika, still smiling.
"Not a problem. Now let's get you settled into the apartment!" says Leorio.

They both get up and leave.

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