The funeral

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It is the morning of Kohana's funeral. Kurapika wakes up before Scarlet in order to get ready. He calls the funeral director to make sure everything is in order.

Kurapika gets Scarlet ready and drives to the funeral home. He gets there early. He stares at Kohana's beautiful enlarged picture that is placed next to her casket. He remembers taking that picture. It was taken on their way to taste wedding cakes. She was wearing a beautiful sundress and she was laughing all the way to the bakery. Kohana was so happy that day. That is how Kurapika wants everyone to remember her. He then walks towards her casket. It was open for viewing. Kohana was wearing the same tabard she wore at her wedding. She looked like she was sleeping. Kurapika felt a knot in his stomach.

"My Heaven. I miss you so damn much! Why? Why were you taken from me so soon? It's not fair. Our daughter needs you. I need you! Why did you leave me? I'll never hear your laugh again. I'll never hold you again. I'll never smell your sweet scent again. The only thing that gives me comfort is knowing our fellow Kurta will take care of you. They are good people. They will be delighted to meet you. And we will all be together again one day. Thank you for saying yes when I asked you to marry me. Thank you for supporting me working as a Hunter. Thank you for our beautiful daughter. I love you." says Kurapika to Kohana.

He sits on the steps to the stage and cries the hardest he has ever cried in his life.

Kurapika walks over to the stroller where Scarlet is sleeping. Guests start to come in. Since Kohana no longer had family, they were mostly friends from the hospital where she worked. Some parents of patients she took care of also attended. Leorio, Gon, Killua, and Alluka say their last goodbyes to Kohana and walk over to sit next to Kurapika. Kurapika has his head down. He is afraid he will continue to cry if he makes eye contact with anyone.

It was a beautiful service. Kurapika was happy with everything. They are getting ready to go to the cemetery. Kurapika notices Aimi sitting in the back. He walks over to her.

"Thank you for coming." Kurapika says to Aimi.
"Kurapika, I am so sorry for your loss! Kohana was the sweetest person. She wasn't just my patient. She was my friend and I will miss her so much!" says Aimi. She starts to cry and gives Kurapika a hug. He starts to cry again.

Kurapika arranged for Kohana to be transported to the cemetery by a horse drawn carriage. Kurapika was happy with the gravesite he selected. It was early April so the cherry blossom tree was still in bloom. It was the perfect day. The sky was blue and the sun was shining.
The burial ended and guests started to leave.

Kurapika stares at Kohana's gravesite. Leorio walks over to him.

"Do you want us to take Scarlet so you can have a few moments alone?" asks Leorio.
"Thank you. I would appreciate that." answers Kurapika.
"Sure, we will meet you at your house. Take all the time you need." says Leorio.

Kurapika stands at Kohana's gravesite alone. He spends the next few hours there. As he turns around to leave, he feels a cool breeze blowing through his hair.

"Kurapika." says a voice in the wind.

Kurapika quickly turns around. It is Kohana's voice. He stares at her gravesite. He doesn't hear her again. He figures it was his imagination. He turns around to leave. His head is down. Kurapika stares at the ground as he walks away. He notices a multi-colored aura coming from the ground. He turns around again to face Kohana's grave. Her entire gravesite is lit up with her special aura. Kurapika smiles. He can feel her presence. He kneels down.

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