A special birthday

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April 4th, two years later.

Scarlet runs across the cottage to Kurapika's bedroom at five o'clock in the morning. She jumps on his bed. She shakes her dad awake.

"Happy birthday, daddy!" exclaims Scarlet.

Kurapika turns on his back and rubs his eyes. He smiles as he sits up in bed.

"Happy birthday, my precious jewel! I can't believe you are ten years old today!" exclaims Kurapika.
"What is my special surprise?" asks Scarlet.
"You'll need to wait until this evening for your special surprise." answers Kurapika.
"Well, I want to give you your present." says Scarlet.
"Sure. I'll be right out." says Kurapika as he gets out of bed.

Scarlet leaves Kurapika's bedroom to wait for him in the living room. Kurapika walks up to his dresser to where he has his pictures of his clan and Kohana. He stares at Kohana's picture.

"Ten years ago," says Kurapika to himself.

Kurapika meets Scarlet in the living room. She is holding a beautifully wrapped present. She excitedly hands it to Kurapika. He takes it and sits down next to her. He opens it and stares at the gift. Tears form in his eyes as he takes his present out of the box. It is a painting of Kurapika and Scarlet that she painted herself. It reminds him of the painting hanging over his bed that Kohana painted for him eleven years ago.

"Do you like it?" asks Scarlet.
"I love it! Thank you so much. You are so thoughtful." answers Kurapika.
"You're the best dad in the world. I love you!" says Scarlet as she gives Kurapika a big hug.
"Thank you. That means a lot to me. Oh, here is your present from me." says Kurapika as he reaches under the couch for Scarlet's present.

Scarlet unwraps her present right away. Her present is a pair of bokken, just like Kurapika's. She smiles when she sees them.

"Thank you, daddy!" exclaims Scarlet.
"Take them everywhere you go." says Kurapika.
"Absolutely!" exclaims Scarlet.
"What would you like for breakfast, my birthday girl?" asks Kurapika as he gets up from the couch.

Scarlet hops off of the couch and pushes Kurapika back down.
"No. I'm making you breakfast this morning. And not your usual raw egg over rice." says Scarlet.
"You are the one with the special birthday. You are ten! I'm thirty-seven and there is nothing special about that." says Kurapika.
"Don't be ridiculous, daddy." says Scarlet as she runs to the kitchen.

Later that afternoon, Leorio and his family come over. Juliette runs to Scarlet.

"Happy birthday, girlfriend!" exclaims Juliette.
"Thank you!" exclaims Scarlet.

Juliette hands Scarlet her present. Scarlet unwraps it. She pulls out a large designer handbag.

"It's beautiful, but what is it for?" asks Scarlet while she examines the handbag.
"It's for all of your makeup." answers Juliette.
"But I don't have any makeup," says Scarlet.
"Not yet." says Juliette as she hands Scarlet another present.
"Makeup?" asks Scarlet as she opens the present.
"Yep!" answers Juliette.
"Uh...thank you. Hey, maybe my new bokken will fit in here!" exclaims Scarlet as she grabs her bokken to see if they fit inside her new handbag. She smiles when she finds out they fit.

Leorio looks over to Juliette.

"Hey, give your uncle his present!" exclaims Leorio.
"Right! Happy birthday, Uncle Kurapika!" exclaims Juliette as she hands Kurapika his present.
"Thank you, beautiful." says Kurapika as he opens his present.

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